Is my PSU enough for an upgrade?

James Souvie

Mar 5, 2014
Hiya, I'm new to Tom's Hardware.

Basically Im running a AMD 7870 2gb with a 600w corsair PSU coupled with 16 gb of ram and an i7 3.49 gb processor.
I have a Coolermaster V6 GT heat sink.

My question is I'd like to upgrade that graphics card to a GIGABYTE GV-N770OC-4GD GeForce GTX 770 4GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 HDCP Ready WindForce 3X 450W. Will my 600w PSU be able to handle it with room to spare??
The 4GB and 2GB versio will likely use about the same amount of power; if you're playing at 1080p, there's absolutely no reason to go with the 4GB version. Well one reason, if you plan on using nvidia surround, and adding a second 770, while upgrading your PSU.

But, simply, a 2GB 770 is more than enough for 1080p.

Also, the GTX 770 requires a PSU that can supply at the very least, 42A to a 12V rail. Assuming you have the CX600, it provides 46A to a 12V rail, which is enough for your system. Although one thing of note, I would likely stay away from overclocking heavily. Other than that, the 600W psu should do just fine.
The minimum requirement for that card is 600W so that doesn't give you room to spare, but it will work.
Two months ago, I was using the exact same graphics card and PSU, with 16GB of ram, two sata drives, a ssd, and a sound card. I upgraded the psu because I needed it in my SteamBox, but it did run everything without a problem.

Awesome, thanks for the reply. I'm new to PC gaming (EX-console kid) but I do that that messing with the PSU and pushing it to the max is NEVER a good idea. I might just switch over to a 2gb version. I know its a matter of opinion, but would I notice any kind of a difference switching over to a GTX770 2gb? Also, will that be under my 600W cap?

So is getting that close to the 600W cap a bad idea? Im a pretty heavy gamer as far as the amount I play and the long stretches I play. Im pretty afraid of something burning out like my processor or even PSU.
well 770 is faster than 7870 and you will se difference in your performance but not huge difference(always depending on game). about the psu 770 has a 42A recommendetion for the 12v rail and a 600w psu. actually 42x12=504w so any true 600w psu's can deliver that power:). so with your corsair you are good to go.:)
The 4GB and 2GB versio will likely use about the same amount of power; if you're playing at 1080p, there's absolutely no reason to go with the 4GB version. Well one reason, if you plan on using nvidia surround, and adding a second 770, while upgrading your PSU.

But, simply, a 2GB 770 is more than enough for 1080p.

Also, the GTX 770 requires a PSU that can supply at the very least, 42A to a 12V rail. Assuming you have the CX600, it provides 46A to a 12V rail, which is enough for your system. Although one thing of note, I would likely stay away from overclocking heavily. Other than that, the 600W psu should do just fine.
So its not a huge difference for the $300+ price tag? hmmmmm
I feel like Im missing out on some pretty nifty physx features. But if its only going to be a marginal upgrade I might just wait then.

No, Im not interested in overclocking. Yes, it is a CX600. So it looks like I may bypass the upgrade or just get a 2GB GTX if I'm feeling like I want to be an Nvidia guy. =)