I am making a "VR Testing Rig" for my dads store (he has a few stores for records cds gaming stuff ect. basically a vinal store with games and books ;D) and i was wondering if this build I put together for him would be satisfactory... Dont worry I know it seems over kill af, but he told me budget really wasn't to big of a problem... here is the link to what I put together: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/CommonSentence/saved/T76VnQ I was thinking of getting an i7 instead ( https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117726 ) but idk if it would really be necessarry xP I mean the bigger the better? but idk lol... also, does everything work together? like are all the parts compatible? Thanks for your help lol I'm not to good at picking out parts, but I know how to build a pc ;D
(Side note, I know its a VR testing rig and i put a monitor, thats because I wanted people passing by to be able to see what is going on inside of the VR, so I would like duplicate the screens... ya lol)
One last question, Should I go with the Rift, or the Vibe? I have been watching many reviews and comparisons, and I am split... I have no clue ;D It is a testing rig that lots of people will use, so I am considering more the Vibe, because it has more "compatibility" to people faces (like glasses and other things like that, with all the possible adjustments) but screen and quality wise i really have no clue. What do you all prefer? xP
(Side note, I know its a VR testing rig and i put a monitor, thats because I wanted people passing by to be able to see what is going on inside of the VR, so I would like duplicate the screens... ya lol)
One last question, Should I go with the Rift, or the Vibe? I have been watching many reviews and comparisons, and I am split... I have no clue ;D It is a testing rig that lots of people will use, so I am considering more the Vibe, because it has more "compatibility" to people faces (like glasses and other things like that, with all the possible adjustments) but screen and quality wise i really have no clue. What do you all prefer? xP