[SOLVED] Is my water cooling working?


Feb 6, 2016
I recently upgraded to Corsair's H100i Platinum SE water cooling system. On the official Corsair iCue software, it is telling me that the CPU temp is a low 28-32 degrees C on average, a little higher when playing games. However, every other third party software that I download from the internet is telling me that my CPU temp is massively fluctuating from 40-63 degrees C on idle, as if it's not being cooled at all?

I then go to play this game I regularly play, and notice that I'm getting 90-100% CPU usage, some, if not most of the time, and I'm also lagging more than usual and getting lower frames (mainly on this one game, every other I have tried seems to be fine weirdly). I have recently changed my thermal paste to ensure it was evenly coated and that the water pump and both fans are running smoothly (they are). Would anyone suggest any reasons why this could be happening? I'm clueless now.

Edit: I've got an i7 7700k @ 4.5GHz for anyone wondering.
Thanks for the reply - I have just downloaded HWinfo, and attached is what I'm seeing at idle. https://prnt.sc/udvlb4

Since typing this, a new problem has arisen and I have no idea if it's linked. A video will be attached to this. Basically every minute or so the windows disconnect sound happens and the fans seem to go incredibly fast and the lights on the pump and fans go out.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC5wVLMYM8s&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=Sheepdog

Did you install the iCue software to control the lights?

If so, here:


Others reported similar issues to yours. Uninstall the program and check if that's what's...
What third party monitoring software are you using?

I'll advise you to download HWinfo and monitor your temperatures and clock speeds during heavy workloads.

Thanks for the reply - I have just downloaded HWinfo, and attached is what I'm seeing at idle. https://prnt.sc/udvlb4

Since typing this, a new problem has arisen and I have no idea if it's linked. A video will be attached to this. Basically every minute or so the windows disconnect sound happens and the fans seem to go incredibly fast and the lights on the pump and fans go out.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC5wVLMYM8s&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=Sheepdog
Thanks for the reply - I have just downloaded HWinfo, and attached is what I'm seeing at idle. https://prnt.sc/udvlb4

Since typing this, a new problem has arisen and I have no idea if it's linked. A video will be attached to this. Basically every minute or so the windows disconnect sound happens and the fans seem to go incredibly fast and the lights on the pump and fans go out.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC5wVLMYM8s&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=Sheepdog

Did you install the iCue software to control the lights?

If so, here:


Others reported similar issues to yours. Uninstall the program and check if that's what's causing it.