History, ethnicity or Russian politics ... perhaps because you guys read too much Western Media.
Obama abd Kerry shuld keep out of this one ... its none of their business.
Russia sees the unrest in the Western Ukraine differently than us ... they view the rioters in Kiev as dissidents who brought down a legitimate govt.
Putin sees this as his worst future nightmare ... remember Gadaffi anyone?
The Crimea was ceded to the Ukraine years ago by the USSR simply as a place to put it ... in their vast empire.
Over 60% of Crimeans see themselves as Russian ... and Russia is protecting their Russian interests in Crimea.
They are considered a semi-autonomous state and have been for some time.
The warm water port, Eastern Crimean relative wealth and technology compared to the argrarian Western Ukrainem and strategic pipeline a plus.
Russia will wait till the Crimean vote to cede from the Ukraine and then formally join Russia as part of their country.
If the Ukriane takes a non-aggressive stance and focuses on electing a parliament proper for itself and sorting itself out russia will not likely pound their asses into the dirt.
It is unlikely Russia will invade the Ukhraine.
The US whilst being supportive with the EU of the Ukraine's financial plight should stay out of Crimea.
It would have ceded from the Ukraine in a month if it were not for the President of the Ukriane who went running to Putin for help.
Putin and for that matter everyone else knows the guy is corrupt ... but name one tin pot leader of any of those Eastern European countries who isn't sucking the life out o the people they represent ... including Putin.
Sadly we are all going to pay a premium for this in short term gas / oil / energy increases.