Is Super Flower FX 550watt good enough??


Jun 10, 2016
So i want to buy new psu next week is this one good enough for my gtx 960?? It have 3 years warranty
Hahaha ok but i found another super flower brand 500watt but have 80+ silver what the difference between fx 550 80+ bronze?? Because this silver one cost $20 more than fx 550

bronze, silver and gold are the effiecy ratings nothing too much to worry about under normal circumstances, the psu you initially linked is a very nice quality power supply and yes its more than enough for a GTX 960.
Thanks for reply but is this 550watt pure or not?? Because my old psu have 500watt(and this one is super flower brand too and its non 80+ certified) but cant power my gtx 960 idk why because yesterday i can play game normally but the next day i want to turn on my pc its just power on my graphic card fan and cpu fan but its stop and power on again like looping

My old psu