drinvis :
I have said that on some CPU bound games like Civilization 5 and others the fx8350 can be noticeably slower.Even in hitman absoultion which is quite a recent game it was slower.Nobody is saying that fx8350 is a bad processor or something.Without a doubt the most important things for gaming in general is the GPU,but in some CPU heavy games the difference between an fx8350 and an i5 3570k is noticeable.Even in games like borderlands2 fx8350 lagged behind :http://www.xbitlabs.com/images/cpu/fx-8350-8320-6300-4300/borderlands2.png.So if GPU is taken common to both set ups then i5 3570k definitely looks the better option for gaming overall as of now.For most games there won't be any noticeable difference but for some like skyrim i5 3570k would be better.That's nothing to be selective about.The thing exists so it exists.Fx8350 doesn't perform well in some games that's it.There are enough guys with an 120Hz monitor as well.You are quoting toms.Let me quote one
At the end of the day, AMD still has work to do in improving game performance. But Piledriver certainly does help rectify the slide backward we saw Bulldozer taking relative to some of AMD’s previous quad-core parts in processor-bound games."
About that thread check it out here:http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=2294486
Idontcare is pretty reliable.Rendering on 3DS MAX which takes all cores to maximum,here i5 3570k was able to keep up with fx8350,that was the point to show how an OCed i5 3570k can keep up with an OCed fx8350 even on a thing which scales so well on cores.One just can't ignore the light threaded performance.It is not as if i5 3570k is a lame processor just becoz it has only 4 cores.It does the perform quite well with what it has and consumes lot lesser power when overclocked,though power consumption might not be a concern here.
World record!! Not practical at all.How many people use LN2 for daily stuffs?Both ivy i5/i7 k and fx8350 overclock fairly well.Problem with ivy processors is heat produced which limits OC potential which is not as good as SB processors as intel cheap out on TIM.Still ivy i5/i7 do 4.7-4.8GHz mostly on a good board.By the way though it is not something that would concern everyone but at higher clocks the fx8350 eats out much more power than an ivy i5/i7 at same clocks.http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/build-a-pc-overclocking-do-it-yourself,3366-15.html does tell that i5 3570k when overclocked is very good and both fx8350 and i5 3570k traded blows in some.
Quotes from that page on toms "
When it comes to overclocking though, Intel extends its lead with significantly lower power consumption and much better performance. If we were measuring efficiency, that'd be a home run"
It'd be a great experiment, and we might even play around with it in the future, but it's clear that Intel's Core i5-3570K remains the better choice for overclockers in this price range."
For the things tested i5 3570k was overall better when both were overclocked.They are far more sensitive to frequency than fx8350 is.So simply talking about clocks won't do.IPC is a thing as well.So the so called "superior clocks" are just not the only thing,it's also important how much they are sensitive to those clocks.
ericjohn004 has explained things quite well.I think you are just not ready to look on other side.He and I were talking about both side of things but you just don't seem to acknowledge what is on other side.I do not support or am loyal to a company.I would pick whatever best for the money is available within what I can spend which is best suited to things I would do.We all want AMD to do well simply becoz it would result in more competition and better priced products from both sides.But that doesn't mean we should not look at the overall picture of the things now.I have made my points on the context,period.
1) What you really said is quoted above. Borderlands 2 is not using all the potential of the FX and still it was only slightly slower than the expensive i7-3770k
Hitman is not using all the potential of the FX, albeit you present it as new, "new" does not mean "parallelized for eight cores".
The point here is that FX is good enough for gaming and you are not going to change that by posting here.
2) It is good that you quote Toms now, but are you aware that the quote that you gave is a bit old? In their cpu gaming hierarchy cart (updated to
March 2013). Toms puts the FX near the top and say, in the text, that upgrading from a FX-8350 to an expensive i5-3570K/i7-3770k
does not offer overall gaming benefit. You and another user pretend otherwise but precisely both of you avoid Toms advice.
3) As explained before, Idontcare comparison was biased in any possible point. No, 3DS MAX is not taking all FX cores to maximum. Where did you got that exaggeration? In any case the same forum that you link says it clear
So in these 2 workloads 8350 is actually on par or faster than 3770K
You pretend that "
the i5 3570k was able to keep up with fx8350", still data shows otherwise. Moreover, the same 3DS MAX review says that the new FX chip allowed AMD to beat the entire range of LGA 1155 Intel chips:
Ceci permet à AMD de prendre les devants sur toute la gamme LGA 1155.
4) Who said you that everyone will be obtaining a world record at her/his home? The
world record shows that the design of the FX chip is superior to that of the Intel chips. A more solid design is the reason why it is so easy to overclock an AMD FX beyond Intel chips.
5) You quote toms overcloking review of the FX-8350,
but once again you forget to quote relevant info. That review was made using older software, favourable to Intel chips as the i5. Toms write in the same page that you quote:
This will likely change as we fold more heavily-threaded tests into the Marathon, starting this quarter.
Moreover, you also forgot to say that the default Intel builts used stock memory, but the default FX build used under-clocked memory, thus lowering its performance.
The point is:
if you force yourself to using older software or one application at once the i5 looks a better option. If you run several applications at once and/or modern optimized software the FX looks better.