Yes, the i5 does better in games such as skyrim under Windows but then the FX does better in other games such as Showdown or Batman Arkham City under Windows (the FX perform at the same level that the i7-3770k in this latter game at 1080p). The FX is also at the i7 level on Battlefield 3 under Windows
Toms last advice (gaming cpu hierarchy chart update of 20 March 2013) is that, overall, you do "not notice a worthwhile difference in game performance" in Windows gaming. If you own a FX-8350, Toms recommend you to not upgrade to a more expensive chip. Moreover, neither Windows nor those games are using all the performance of the FX chips.
Moreover, at the time of writing this the FX is clearly faster (even beating the i7) under linux {*} and future games will be optimized for the AMD because just-ready consoles will be using AMD chips.
{*} Before anyone claim that linux is not for gaming, notice that developers such as Valve are abandoning Windows platform and porting games to linux.
Toms last advice (gaming cpu hierarchy chart update of 20 March 2013) is that, overall, you do "not notice a worthwhile difference in game performance" in Windows gaming. If you own a FX-8350, Toms recommend you to not upgrade to a more expensive chip. Moreover, neither Windows nor those games are using all the performance of the FX chips.
Moreover, at the time of writing this the FX is clearly faster (even beating the i7) under linux {*} and future games will be optimized for the AMD because just-ready consoles will be using AMD chips.
{*} Before anyone claim that linux is not for gaming, notice that developers such as Valve are abandoning Windows platform and porting games to linux.