Question Is the Benchmark score good? Compared to similar builds?

All looks ok. After overclocking the gpu what speed does it boost to while playing Warzone? 3080’s usually become unstable when boosting to over 2100mhz but each card is different. My 3080 is ok up to 2100mhz but anything over that it suffers occasional crashes. You have to monitor the gpu speed while in game as the gpu will boost higher than the speed set in MSIAfterburner.
Yeah i was running the GPU at 2300Mhz, but i had alot of crashes in warzone and bluescreens past days. Even if i downclocked the gpu. I updatet my bios, DDU my Driver, fresh windows install, windows mem test(xmp en/disabled). Nothing worked. I lost all hope hahah. Today i ran the sfc / scannnow and it kinda works now. So im kinda afraid to overclock my gpu again. And the Powersupply is fine 850w Focus Gold+.
Yeah i was running the GPU at 2300Mhz, but i had alot of crashes in warzone and bluescreens past days. Even if i downclocked the gpu. I updatet my bios, DDU my Driver, fresh windows install, windows mem test(xmp en/disabled). Nothing worked. I lost all hope hahah. Today i ran the sfc / scannnow and it kinda works now. So im kinda afraid to overclock my gpu again. And the Powersupply is fine 850w Focus Gold+.
Actually I’ve read a few posts on here stating there are known issues with Seasonic Focus range with the 3080 & 3090.

A 3080 is never going to be stable at 2300mhz unless LN2 and even then probably not.
Mhh Yeah but i tested the power supply with the OCCT 1 hour test and it was fine... My bluescreens past days: 2x System_Service_exception , 1x Kernel_security_check_failure, 1x Kernel Data inpage error, 1x memory managment, 1x Quota Underflow, 1x Memory Managment and warzone had alot of diffrent Dev errors