Is the Dazzle Capture Card Worth It?


Apr 17, 2009
My question: Should I just get a Dazzle Capture Card, or save up a bit more for a dedicated card?

I've been reading about that peripheral online lately, and looks like there's a lot of interest. I'm a student who wants to take video editing more seriously. Currently I upload videos from camcorders in our lab, and just copy the source videos into my dorm PC for editing.

If I should get a dedicated card, any ideas on what's a good buy? Thanks guys.
Hi Kandybar, welcome! I've noticed most of the interest online revolves around people who want to record their gaming sessions from consoles. They hook up the console to the Dazzle Capture Card, and save their gameplay videos for later editing or sharing.

That being said, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't buy one. It's not like you're looking for professional capture quality, right?

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