Is the i7 7700k worth the wait?


Oct 18, 2016
Hello guys,

So i've been planning to update my pc for a while now, and I have trouble with the choice of the CPU.

Is it worth waiting for the new i7 7700k? I was planning to get an 6700k, but i've seen all the rumors about the 7700k, and how powerful it will be. But since intel hasn't announced any official release date, I don't want to wait another year to update my PC.

So do you think the 7700k is worth the wait?

(sorry for my bad english, baguette here)
The 7700K is a 6700K with slightly higher clockspeeds. Don't expect any change in performance per clock because the logic in the CPU should be identical. Think 4770K vs 4790K.
Kaby should be out in early 2017.

As Ecky said though, Kaby is only an optimized Skylake featuring lower power consumption and slightly higher clock frequencies. There may be some IPC improvements from design tweaks but those should be minor at best. It will still be fundamentally the same chip.
Agree. Intel processors have steadily gotten better over the generations, but you may not experience a great improvement in performance between the 6700k / 7700k, both processors should perform equally WELL with minor differences.
No. The 6700K is good enough. First you're gonna have to wait a while, second it's a new socket type so not only will you be paying more for the processor you will be paying more for the Motherboard.

There is no new socket type for Kaby Lake. The i3/i5/i7-7xxx series use the same LGA1151 socket and many motherboard manufacturers have announced BIOS updates for their existing 100-series chipset motherboards to support Kaby Lake.