Question Is there something wrong with my ram?


Oct 1, 2014
My memory on my pc has been maxed out here for a long while. Even when I only have brave open its normally at %90 but I always hear 8gb is more than enough ram. Is there something wrong with my sticks? It says 7.3 gb is taken up but im not sure if that much should be taken up from only a few programs open. How much of a difference will an extra 8 gb make? right now by browser is very very slow at loading pages, and opening any game with a browser open pretty much crashes the pc. I have an i7 4790k and a gtx 970 so it doesnt make much sense to be this slow and crashing so often.
I will back up important data and do a clean re-install. win 7 or win 10? Win 10 is easier as you can link to MS account. Win7 -> extract key first.
how will this effect the ram performance. Last time I tried this it crashed my entire hard drive and I ended up scrapping the entire PC. What will the difference be of adding 8 more gb of ram? is a reset needed, or do I need to change my hard drive and OS as well?
If you do nothing and 7.3G is being used, it seems many junk stuff is running. Adding 8 gb will help but you will still want to remove those junks. You may add 8gb ram first and see if it helps.
Look at whats using your ram, are you accidentally running a bunch of programs in the background? have you ran antivirus program recently, if not that may be a good idea.

If you are just using all 8gb of ram with applications that are supposed to be running it is time to upgrade to 16gb. 8gb is plenty for general usage, but for gaming and basic content creation 8gb is starting to be a little small.

Ram is like a glass of water, if you have an 8oz glass and 3oz of water everything is fine, but if you have an 8oz glass and 10oz of water you will make a mess that takes time to cleanup.
Look at whats using your ram, are you accidentally running a bunch of programs in the background? have you ran antivirus program recently, if not that may be a good idea.

If you are just using all 8gb of ram with applications that are supposed to be running it is time to upgrade to 16gb. 8gb is plenty for general usage, but for gaming and basic content creation 8gb is starting to be a little small.

Ram is like a glass of water, if you have an 8oz glass and 3oz of water everything is fine, but if you have an 8oz glass and 10oz of water you will make a mess that takes time to cleanup.

Honestly not sure how to tell what is needed and not. Most say either things like service host or adobe and every time I run an antivirus scan it detects nothing wrong. Is a reset the only thing I can do? or is there maybe something wrong with either the motherboard slots I have them in or the ram itself?
If you do nothing and 7.3G is being used, it seems many junk stuff is running. Adding 8 gb will help but you will still want to remove those junks. You may add 8gb ram first and see if it helps.
is there an easy way to just copy over my windows 10 to an external hard drive so I can reset in peace, or do I need to get another copy to reset, as this was an upgrade from windows 7 and I dont have a disk for it
Also not sure how to tell what is needed or not, most say things like service host or adobe, and nothing shows up for a virus scan. Not sure if I can just remove whatever programs are running or if a reset is needed
link it to your microsoft account. Install media just needs a 8gb+ flash drive.
Useful info:
Create a bootable install usb:
I keep seeing that you need the license key to activate it again. If I upgraded for free from windows 7 will I need the windows 7 key? Under activation settings I get

Does this mean once I reboot with the usb I can just enter my email and itll reactivate for me? sorry for all the questions, just wanting to make sure all goes well for such a big system change.
How many tabs do you have open? Depending on what you have running, that number may not be too much for a modern browser. At this point, I would call 8 GB a bare minimum for a modern computer. If you have a lot of other things running in the background, such as Discord, they can eat up those numbers far.

Nothing wrong with bumping it up to 16 GB of RAM if you board will support it (looks like you have 2 slots free).

Another thing you can share is a screen shot of your Startup page, next to the app history section. See if too many apps are loading right when Windows starts.