Question Is this a GPU issue with 11 displays?

Jul 3, 2019

I have a setup that includes 11 overall displays, all are 1920 * 1080 besides a couple that are 1920*1200 and one 4k tv. These displays are connected to four GTX 1080 cards and the CPU is an Intel Core i7-7700 both of which I believe are slightly overclocked. The issue is that we are running into major framerate issues when we use all of the screens (flight simulation). Someone told me a while back that it might be a GPU issue but I have a hard time believing that and would rather think that the CPU is the issue but I am no expert on this. Additionally, maybe I have some power supply limitations for my 1000W given that I have 4 1080s?

Any help is appreciated!
It wouldn't let me put in four graphics cards to the site you said. However, using , it said the recommended PSU Wattage is 999 Watts so, that doesn't seem to good and maybe should look for a little more.

Unfortunately, your link wouldn't open up on any browser on my computer however, I have been told in the CPU thread that my GPU was the issue...... I posted here because I was hoping to address both audiences.
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