Is this a successful overclock?


Mar 7, 2015
I'm relatively new to overclocking but this is by far the overclock I'm the most pleased about. I bought the 4690k so that I could overclock and now I'm finally relatively pleased about my overclock, but, I'm not sure if it's really as good as I think it is.

Idle temps and voltages, and other settings are:

and this is after 30 minutes Prime 95 (Small FFTs):

TLDR: Are the temps ok? Should I increase or lower anything?

Gtx 970 G1 Gaming
Rm750 Psu
I5 4690K
Msi z97a gaming 6
Nepton 280L (Noctua NF-A14 FLX x2)
Hyperx Fury Red DDR3 1600MHz 16GB

I actually will be running at 100% quite alot as I use Folding@Home consistently, and the GPU also runs at 100% and spews out alot of heat into the case.
60-65c is actually pretty good seeing as you're using prime95. How long have you tested for? 30minutes isn't really enough. I'd suggest a long run of around 8-10hours of something like x264, or asus realbench, then 10passes of intel burn test. If that all passes you should have a rock solid overclock.

Holy fuck 10 seconds of IBT and I had 76 degrees
I'd say the temps look decent for stress testing, in the 70's c is preferable or at least under 80 if possible. Typical 100% real world loads aren't as strenuous as things like ibt or prime95. 60-65c isn't all that hot and is realistic for say gaming loads at full load. If you're not crashing with that setup under p95 26.6, ibt and realbench I'd say it's solid.

Hey, I ran it at maximum and it got to the 7th run when it purple screened?? The screen turned purple, probably bacause that's my theme color in W8 and I could only see my mouse pointer, I could move it around but it was still just purple, so I turned it off. Max temps were 85° though it mostly hovered around 80° it took around 305 seconds per run if that matters.
Run time doesn't matter the more memory you use the longer it'll take. If it crashed on the 7th it's not stable. I see your first run of 10 was good, what you want is is to finish the test, and for all the numbers under the results header to be the exact same. Seems like your oc is not stable. Either drop 100mhz off your oc or raise voltage a tad. Your temps are fine you'll probably never see 85 or even 80 under regular use.

Running it again now, is it safe to have it running at 85 degrees for so long?
Ok peaking 87 is a tad high but won't kill anything and again you'll never see that temp under normal loads. Average temp matters alot too. If its averaging 80+ that's not really ideal. With you cooling setup you should have better temps though. Are your fans exhausting air? Or pulling in? How do you have your rad setup?

I wouldn't be too worried yet. Let the test finish unless you get into the 90's. then we need to figure out your cooling setup as you should have 0 problems with that cooler.

I have a 280mm Radiator (Nepton 280L) with two noctua fans (Noctua NF-A14 FLX x2), the rad's inside the case and the fans are on top sucking air out of the case through a honey comb grill:

And two 120mm stock intake fans, I have the CM Cosmos SE btw.

It just finished the 5th cycle and all the results are the same, the pc is lagging a little but I suppose that's normal when you're running IBT, all the fans are running at full speed and the temperature in the room is 23°

Finshed it now, I think, it was running on its tenth run when this happened:

Avg. Temps were 80 degrees and maximum was 87 degrees.
If I read your ixtu correctly you're running an uncore ratio of x41. Might try lowering that to 40 or 39. Sometimes having a high overclock with high uncore can make it a little less stable. Gotovato had some good advice though about raising the vcore a little or dropping the multiplier to 45 and about your cooling situation as well.
I missed the uncore part. Good catch synphul. Try dropping that a tad. You seem so close to passing. Your cooling setup is good. 87c is not TERRIBLE for max temp and 80 average is ok. Won't kill anything. Try restarting your pc and run the test again and either add the least amount of voltage you possible can, or drop the multiplier 1. If you wouldn't mind reconfiguring you CPU cooler config I may suggest another way to mount that which may drop temps a few degrees. First I suggest either dropping the core clock or increasing voltage a little more. I understand if you want that 4.6. I was VERY set on getting 4.5 on my 5930k. It took a little more voltage then id lol but my temps were ok and I was beyond what most people are running on 5820ks and 5930ks. Try what I suggested up above. If you want to try a better cooling setup let me know but as of now your temps are OK

Uhm, you must excuse me as I have no idea what uncore ratio is, or how I am to lower it.

Dude, thanks for all your help, I tried lowering the voltage to 1.280v but it BSOD'ed at the 8th run. You had my curiosity about the alternative cooling config. but now you have my full attention, teach me, master
Haha ok. I'm by no means a master but I've also never had a CPU or gpu that I kept at stock settings so that's my expirence there. First off the voltage, 1.280 is clearly not enough. Try 1.285 and give that a go. Your CPU cooler is very good and I almost bought it for myself. In terms of fan config. I've tested so many different ways and the one way I've had the most success. Keep your rad where it is, but have your fans in your case, exhausting air through the rad out of the case. This worked best for me and all my rads. I thought pulling air from out of the case through the rad would be best but that was not as good. Now, this may give you a few degrees which is nice, or it may do nothing for you but it's worth a try and it's free right!? So why not. Also, was your uncore stock at 41? Also have you been overclocking via software or through your bios?

Ok, First of all I have no idea what uncore is.
Second of all I cannot put the fans inside the case due to clearance issues;

I could perhaps lower the Dvd reader but then I'd have to remove an entire fan due to how my case is designed;

I could flip the fans, so that they suck air into the case but wouldn't this be bad for my gpu temps?

I'm overclocking using Intel Extreme Tuning Utility, mostly because my pc boots too fast to enter BIOS.
Oh wow. Those clearance issues suck. That's too bad. Anyways your temps are ok at the moment so leave everything as is. You can try pulling air into the case but that might not do much for you. In my tests it was worse but my fans are in my case. Maybe you can try it out? Don't worry about gpu temps if you have good intake and at least 1 120mm exhaust your air flow is good. I would strongly suggest getting into your bios and disabling fast boot until we get your oc solid. I've never really heard of anyone getting a good CPU oc using tools within windows. Also I see you have your voltage set to adaptive. Set that to fixed mode. Get into your bios!

Btw, posting pictures is very helpful. Keep it up.

I don't know how I am supposed to get into my BIOS for starters, but Click BIOS 4 is a fucking mess I'm telling you! I can't find half of the things that other people talk about when they talk about their bios, that's the other side of why I use IXTU. And by "Fixed mode" is that the same as "Static"?

And when i get into the bios what do I do? And what is uncore ratio and how to I lower it as you and Synphul suggested.