Is This Build Good?


Jul 24, 2015

After long research and price hunting, I've finally gathered a decent build, least in my opinion. But since I'm a "pc building noob", I just want to make sure these parts work together and that there aren't any problems.

The build is aimed to run games like Witcher 3 on Ultra with stable 60fps, preferably more, on 1080p (I know, 980 might be a bit overkill for that, but i like to play safe). Also, wanted to go with i7, so the build would be "future proof" so to speak. Might be overclocking the CPU when i get to it someday.

So, here's what the build looks like:


So, what do you guys think? All good? Am i finally able to put the order going or is there something i should change?

Thank you in advance :)

-Go with a 980 ti. Its only $150 more and gives you titan x performance. standard 980s arent worth it anymore since the ti came out. Its either 970 or 980 ti in my opinion. the 980 ti has 6gb of vram which is more than enough for games. the 980 has 4gb which a lot of games can already fill completely.

-Drop the i7 to an i5-4690k to afford the 980 ti which will give you much better performance gains then the i7. the i5 is the go-to gaming processor and more than enough for any game. The better graphics card will be more future proof in terms of gaming.

-Think about the future. Get a big psu ~1000w so you can sli down the road. your motherboard and case already support sli. When you purchase an EVGA 980 ti...
Looks pretty good to me. You can drop down to an i5 4690k if your just gaming the i7 wont do much for gaming performance. And this is just a personal opinion but why windows 7? its old. I would get windows 10 so you can take advantage of directx 12 in the future.

It's an excellent build, i would recommend purchasing the NH D-15 while you are at it.

Couldn't find disc version of Windows 10 from any of the shops in here Finland yet. So i assumed i could just get 7 and use the free Windows 10 upgrade. Least that's how I think it would work.
Great build.

I built essentially the same system this weekend - though it was a Xeon 1321V3 (for hyper threading, as I do a lot of media stuff that can use that) - it does mean I can't overclock.

I also picked up a GTX 980Ti and am running Windows 10.

Same HD, same RAM amount, slightly better PSU at 850W... and even the same case!

You won't be disappointed with this one. I say go for it.

-Go with a 980 ti. Its only $150 more and gives you titan x performance. standard 980s arent worth it anymore since the ti came out. Its either 970 or 980 ti in my opinion. the 980 ti has 6gb of vram which is more than enough for games. the 980 has 4gb which a lot of games can already fill completely.

-Drop the i7 to an i5-4690k to afford the 980 ti which will give you much better performance gains then the i7. the i5 is the go-to gaming processor and more than enough for any game. The better graphics card will be more future proof in terms of gaming.

-Think about the future. Get a big psu ~1000w so you can sli down the road. your motherboard and case already support sli. When you purchase an EVGA 980 ti from anywhere you get a 50% off coupon in the box for a psu direct from evga. it is a very good deal. Hold off on your psu purchase till you receive the card.

-Get win 10 for dx 12

-Get the same memory at 1866mhz. It has the same cas latency and its clocked faster. its $1.50 more. only makes sense.

Rest of the build looks golden.

Alrighty, i decided to stretch the budget and make the changes you recommended :) picked the Gigabyte GTX 980 Ti, changed from i7 to i5-4690K and changed the RAM to 1866Mhz one. Ill upgrade the PSU when im thinking about SLI, not gonna do it right now.

Just a one thing tho. If i buy Win 7 or 8.1 am i not allowed to get the free upgrade to Win 10 anymore?
ya you can totally upgrade it for free. get whatever is cheaper. just making sure in the end you go with 10.

why not get the evga/psu deal? just curious. im not a big fan of gigabyte personally. had an rma on one of their cards and they were pretty darn unprofessional. The rma was their fault too.

just so you know if you dont already, a psu will only draw the wattage that the components require. a 1000w psu is only going to run at 450w if your system pulls 450w. If you are interested in sli it would be a better idea to get the psu now rather than spend 200 bux more later.

thanks for selecting me btw.

Hmm, would you recommend going with MSI instead of Gigabyte then? I really prefers good cooling and low noise.
ive never owned msi personally but ive heard pretty good things. Wouldnt be against trying them next.

evga is known for great customer support and good quality parts. also, had a good experience with the two cards ive owned.

Gigabyte is popular and their cards overclock nicely, but they have bad customer support from personal experience.

Okay. My build is pretty much good to go now :) thank you for your answers.