Is this game more CPU intensive or gpu?


Dec 13, 2014
Hey guys so I have an fx 8350 16gb of ddr3 vengeance ram and a pny GeForce 1050 ti 4gb ddr5. I only average about 50-60 frames on pubg on very low settings 1080p. I know this game is very poorly optimized but iv heard people say it's more gpu intensive an you need a god gpu to get good frames. I use hardware monitor and my cpu only ever has 1-2 cores reach 100% use after a couple hours of playing it the rest of my cores are at like 80-90% usage. My question is should I upgrade to like a 1060 or 100 I just bought this gpu so I can return it and pay the little difference no problem my question is will it help? Thanks for the read!
I had some luck with this on my Sons PC.. Athlon X4 860k + RX 460.

sg.ViewDistanceQuality=1................(***Most important thing to change ***)
sg.TextureQuality=4..........................(Chaning this doesn't seem to help all that much)

ScreenScale=110.889832 ................(***Seeems to be a sweet spot***)

Steam seems to drag FPS own on everything he plays plus add annoyances like constant updating when you want to play. This is a DX11 title with DX 12 overlays so yeah at the moment its a unoptimized mess that doesn't take full advantage of a CPU...
I had some luck with this on my Sons PC.. Athlon X4 860k + RX 460.

sg.ViewDistanceQuality=1................(***Most important thing to change ***)
sg.TextureQuality=4..........................(Chaning this doesn't seem to help all that much)

ScreenScale=110.889832 ................(***Seeems to be a sweet spot***)

Steam seems to drag FPS own on everything he plays plus add annoyances like constant updating when you want to play. This is a DX11 title with DX 12 overlays so yeah at the moment its a unoptimized mess that doesn't take full advantage of a CPU.

There is this too but I haven't needed to try it what I listed worked for him
I have turbo clock enabled but that's about it my CPU reaches as hot as 65c sometimes and I heard it's bad to go above 60c with my CPU so I don't think I can oc I use hardware monitor to check temps
I would be ecstatic about those kind of results, mainly because the game is very badly optimized. Look at it this way: you're getting about half the performance that you would get from an i5-7600K paired with a GTX 1080TI at the same quality settings (
Thanks for the game seton will try it now. Also I should mention I'm on windows 8.1 is it worth it to upgrade to 10? Iv heard games run better on win 10 but it's like 30$ for the cheapest key I can find.

You have till December 25th to upgrade to Win10 for Free following the Accessibility upgrade link, after that the loophole will be closed