is this good enough for gaming


Jan 25, 2014
I bought a laptop a year ago for 700$ and was screwed by the salesman convincing me that the graphic card on it was good enough for me to game (intel HD graphics 3000), now im stuck with a laptop that can run some of the games i like to play (Skyrim + 30 some mods on low or medium, hereos of might and magic VI on medium) but doesnt give me consistent FPS for any of those and runs the witcher 2 at 15 FPS (unplayable).

I'd like to buy a new laptop hopefully one that can run the mentionned games between medium and high settings
i found one with these settings available for financing for 950ish $ but i dont want to repeat the same mistake

Is this good setting wise :

-Processor :Intel Core i7 3517U
O/S Genuine Windows® 8
-Memory 6GB DDR3

-Hard Drive750GB + 24GB SSD

-Screen 15.6" 16:9 HD (1366x768)

-Graphics :NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 635M with 2GB DDR3 VRAM

Thanks in advance for any response

i'm willing to pay the amount all together if the laptop is really worth it, i honestly don't know much about this but wouldn't an core i7 be better than core i5?


I dont have the space for a desktop, im really looking for a good laptop and am willing to pay 1200 max for it even if its in one payment.

By the way, i accidently chose your answer as the solution.. will this block the thread or something? can i undo it?

Well ok, Thanks for the info. I'll buy the one you showed me.

Thank you