[SOLVED] Is this much thermal paste ok? (Cooler Master Mastergel pro so is electrically conductive)

Jan 15, 2021
View: https://imgur.com/gallery/2LSrc0g

I applied this and an extra really small drop on the right hand side of the blob of paste.

Will this much be ok, and will my motherboard and cpu be protected from shorts?

My cooling is all good at 26-32 C idle and 68C under heavy load (gaming).
I applied a slightly large pea dot, and removed half of it so that's why this looks a bit messy, but the actual blob of the paste is ~0.6cm

Cooler: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07H9JL1P8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Paste that came with cooler which I used: Here
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The Mastergel Pro thermal interface material, based on everything I can find, along with the Mastergel Maker and New Mastergel Pro products, are NOT electrically conductive. So in that regard, I would not worry.

As far as the amount you applied, I think you are fine. I might have applied a little less, but I do not think it is a big enough deal to take it back off and redo it if it is working fine now and thermals are within tolerance.
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I applied a slightly large pea dot, and removed half of it so that's why this looks a bit messy, but the actual blob of the paste is ~0.6cm

That looks like a good blob size to me.

But why do you think it's electrically conductive? I would hope it's packaging and product page would give appropriate cautions to that effect if it were. All it says is it's thermally conductive...might you have confused the two?
That looks like a good blob size to me.

But why do you think it's electrically conductive? I would hope it's packaging and product page would give appropriate cautions to that effect if it were. All it says is it's thermally conductive...might you have confused the two?

I searched online and even though 2 websites say it is non-electrically conductive, on amazon it says it uses metals in the paste. So now I'm not too sure.

This is the paste that came with the cooler which I have used:
The Mastergel Pro thermal interface material, based on everything I can find, along with the Mastergel Maker and New Mastergel Pro products, are NOT electrically conductive. So in that regard, I would not worry.

As far as the amount you applied, I think you are fine. I might have applied a little less, but I do not think it is a big enough deal to take it back off and redo it if it is working fine now and thermals are within tolerance.

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