Question Is this overclock good?

Thanks. But what if my overclock did not go well? Will my components burn/short out, or my pc will go to fail safe defaults
Just make sure temperatures are not too high and voltages are within reason. Nobody can tel you exact values as every single unit/CPU are different. First clues for failing OC would be instability in OS and SW, eventual shut downs etc. That's most apparent under full load that benchmarks provide. When overclocking, usual procedure is taking small steps and checking stability and results in between.
As you can see, CPU frequency = FSB (CPU Host clock) x Multiplier, you can change either one. Multiplier is larger step and FSB can be adjusted in smaller steps. If you adjust FSB higher it will also change PCI and Memory clocks so make sure they stay at derfaults.


May 6, 2024
Just make sure temperatures are not too high and voltages are within reason. Nobody can tel you exact values as every single unit/CPU are different. First clues for failing OC would be instability in OS and SW, eventual shut downs etc. That's most apparent under full load that benchmarks provide. When overclocking, usual procedure is taking small steps and checking stability and results in between.
As you can see, CPU frequency = FSB (CPU Host clock) x Multiplier, you can change either one. Multiplier is larger step and FSB can be adjusted in smaller steps. If you adjust FSB higher it will also change PCI and Memory clocks so make sure they stay at derfaults.
Okay. I will now save and exist, settings are the same. I hope my PC does not get smoked🙏
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May 6, 2024
Just make sure temperatures are not too high and voltages are within reason. Nobody can tel you exact values as every single unit/CPU are different. First clues for failing OC would be instability in OS and SW, eventual shut downs etc. That's most apparent under full load that benchmarks provide. When overclocking, usual procedure is taking small steps and checking stability and results in between.
As you can see, CPU frequency = FSB (CPU Host clock) x Multiplier, you can change either one. Multiplier is larger step and FSB can be adjusted in smaller steps. If you adjust FSB higher it will also change PCI and Memory clocks so make sure they stay at derfaults.
But, 1 question. Can I overclock my RAM from 667 to 800 MHz if i give it +0.2V and make my Q9550 a stable 3.4 GHz if I add +0.1V to my CPU too?


May 6, 2024
You can try to OC RAM itself, it's not tied to CPU frequency unless you do it thru FSB-
Yeah, I am doing it through FSB. But is it correct that if my overclock is not succesful then my pc will go to 3 fail boots then revert again to default right?


May 6, 2024
Right. You will need to reset CMOS/BIOS.
Update: I did the stress test for 11 mins, max temp is 70°C on a 10 dollar cooler💀🙏, but no throttling at all. I got very lucky with this overclock, and thanks for helping. Luckily it wasnt bi**hing in the BIOS so i am good