Although I agree Descent was a great game in its time, I think it would suck today... I mean come on a ship flying around in 3D, how impressive is that really today? Tie Fighter and XWing would be a cool remake though. Although you can play EVEOnline, so really, isnt there already a Tie Fighter type game already out there with much more expanse? Okay sure I just was much as any would love to see the Emperial Emblem on the side of the ship and Star Wars storyline yadda yadda...
Ground breaking, no, fun probably... I would probably buy them sure... Just make sure they are done right... Playing old school games again is fun for a few moments, but you have to remember you need to draw in NEW players as well... I cant tell you how many old school games I installed only to realize now in today that they suck comparatively...
Just make sure we dont make games with rose colored glasses on. Update them to impress...
For instance I loved Total Annihilation back in the day (go Cave Dog right), Supreme Commander took the original and expanded it quite a bit. Hard to pull off, but can be a very successful accomplishment. XCOM, great game series, but I only barely bought UFO Extraterrestrials. The new game didnt expand anything, it just took the same game and refreshed the graphics a little bit (cant even go beyond 1300x768 res though, granted 2007 release). I had a hard time justifying buying the game just to reminisce.