Question Issues with powering on pc after installing a new harddrive

Dec 2, 2022
I bought a new hard drive and cables for it . Once I plugged in the the new hard drive into my pc with the data and power cables I bought, my pc did not want to power on when ever I press the start button the motherboard flashes a red cpu light
I bought a new hard drive and cables for it . Once I plugged in the the new hard drive into my pc with the data and power cables I bought, my pc did not want to power on when ever I press the start button the motherboard flashes a red cpu light
how could I fix this issue? The motherboard and the rest of the pc seems to be getting power but when ever I try to turn it on the fans turn on the motherboard flashes the red light and the fans turn back off not letting me power on. The same thing happpens even when I unplug my hard drives including the new one