It's Official: Steam Expanding Beyond Gaming

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Aug 25, 2011
I am very excited, Steam has saved me a lot of money with their sales. It is also great if they offer dobe Creative Suite 6 Design & Web Premium and stick with their buy once for all platform stance (Buy and you can use on both mac and pc). This has the potential to save me $1899.00. For those who don't understand $1899.00 for my Wintel and $1899.00 for my Macbook pro vs. only $1899.00 for both platforms. An extra $1899.00 in my pocket makes me a happy guy!


Jul 30, 2009
[citation][nom]classzero[/nom]I am very excited, Steam has saved me a lot of money with their sales. It is also great if they offer dobe Creative Suite 6 Design & Web Premium and stick with their buy once for all platform stance (Buy and you can use on both mac and pc). This has the potential to save me $1899.00. For those who don't understand $1899.00 for my Wintel and $1899.00 for my Macbook pro vs. only $1899.00 for both platforms. An extra $1899.00 in my pocket makes me a happy guy![/citation]

Unfortunately, I think that in situations where you move from one OS to another it is up to the developer of the cross platform title to okay/approve this. I don't see Adobe green lighting something that like in the near future sadly (I know quite a few graphic design guys that are in the same boat)


Jul 30, 2009
Now it all makes sense, they don't like having first party competition. Can't blame them either, as it may turn out to be a lucrative software development platform for Microsoft.

Though I still don't understand the "Even more reason to stick with [legacy os]" You make it sound like because Microsoft is offering an app store directly in it's operating system that won't compete with Steam regarding its game capacity but will (at least initially) trump it's productivity suite is "even more reason"? I get that you aren't switching, I don't get how this is any part of the decision maker...


Feb 24, 2010
[citation][nom]guzuta[/nom]as long as we keep getting Steam sales on this stuff too, this is awesome[/citation]

Photoshop CS6 Steam Summer Sale $99!? One could dream I guess.. heh.


Jan 5, 2012
I'm using Windows 8: Steam runs everything so far but Borderlands 1 and has this strange crash issue with Shogun 2: Total War. I believe the Shogun issue is some sort of software compatibility issue but regardless, it was seamless going from Win 7 to Win 8 with Steam.

My only fear is that i'll have to format once I purchase a copy of Windows 8. :) By the way, this version of Windows is great and I wouldn't switch back.


Oct 2, 2009
Seems like a good idea, but before this becomes reality Valve needs to allow Steam software installs to natively span hard drives. By this I mean allow different program installs on different drives. Not everyone wants to throw all installs onto a single 3 TB drive, especially in the era of smaller SSDs. I know there are various work-arounds for this, but it needs to be seamless and hassle-free.
As long as steam keeps doing what it does now, I am more then happy to buy software from it.

As for the lack of moving programs from drive to drive.

Try this. Works very well, but it is a manual(but not mklink /j c:/game d:/game manual) way to do this trick(this means it works with any program you want to move). Steam Mover also works(and is automatic).


Sep 12, 2009
I started loosing respect for Gabe when he trushed PS3 for it being hard to develop on and then come on stage during E3 and kiss ass in order to expand Steam on PS3, which isnt working out the way he planned it so far, and now talking shit about MS and Win 8 for his own good when there is absolutely nothing wrong with it other than the fact that it interfears with his own bussiness plans. Thats not MS' issue. Thats his own. I love steam and I have about 350 games owned in it. But I have an extra reason and right to call BS when I see it happen.


Aug 5, 2009
[citation][nom]nukemaster[/nom]As long as steam keeps doing what it does now, I am more then happy to buy software from it.As for the lack of moving programs from drive to drive.Try this. Works very well, but it is a manual(but not mklink /j cgame dgame manual) way to do this trick(this means it works with any program you want to move). Steam Mover also works(and is automatic).[/citation]

as long as software stays off the main page, and only appears there if they have deals going on.


Sep 15, 2009
I wish steam would offer Visual Novels, it could only expand their customer base and help gather a larger audience. If expansion is what they are doing with this, I dont see why they wouldnt at least consider it.


Jan 18, 2010
Hmm. My only problem with Steam thus far is that I can't play two games simultaneously. Let's say that I was playing Crysis on my PC and my sister wanted to play Skyrim on the living room PC. If this were a console and we had two consoles, there would be no problem. I've bought two different games and want to share games I'm not using.

This is especially handy if my sister helped PAY for the game, as we do occasionally do that.

But because games are tied to the account and the account can't be signed in elsewhere, that's not possible.

So what happens if my sister is trying to use (for the sake of argument not availability) Photoshop on another computer and I want to play Crysis on mine. Will that be possible? There's no reason not to except an extremely greedy enforcement of our lack of ownership.

I love Steam, it gets me games for cheap. I take great advantage of sales and promotions and enjoy playing the games I paid money for.

After all this, now I want to email Gabe.


Jul 1, 2010
[citation][nom]guardianangel42[/nom]Hmm. My only problem with Steam thus far is that I can't play two games simultaneously. Let's say that I was playing Crysis on my PC and my sister wanted to play Skyrim on the living room PC. If this were a console and we had two consoles, there would be no problem. I've bought two different games and want to share games I'm not using. This is especially handy if my sister helped PAY for the game, as we do occasionally do that.But because games are tied to the account and the account can't be signed in elsewhere, that's not possible.So what happens if my sister is trying to use (for the sake of argument not availability) Photoshop on another computer and I want to play Crysis on mine. Will that be possible? There's no reason not to except an extremely greedy enforcement of our lack of ownership.I love Steam, it gets me games for cheap. I take great advantage of sales and promotions and enjoy playing the games I paid money for. After all this, now I want to email Gabe.[/citation]

Install steam on second pc, start game, disconnect from internet. problem solved


Dec 26, 2005
For the most part I like steam. I had a pretty bad run-in though which left me a little cold. I bought a physical media copy of a steam-supporte game (supreme commander 2), and lo-and-behold when I inserted the DvD into the drive, it ramrodded me straight into steam where I was forced to download the entire 4+Gb game from the internet instead of copying it straight from the DvD in the drive. That, to me, was the ultimate in stupidity. Steam works great for digital only titles, but they have a lot of things to clean up before I would go too much further with them. The whole 'can't log in from multiple points' thing is a pain too if two people in the house want to play different games at the same time.


Apr 23, 2008
I am fine with this as long as Steam doesn't forget who they are and why they made it this far. I hope they keep the dedication to their customers and not get greedy and stupid. If they manage to do that than good for them on bringing more of the software to us. I am hoping to see some of the good software like photoshop, etc go up on steam and get the good old 90% or something crazy steam deals as well. Those would be some interesting days for everyone I think. Even if they just had more of the independent and open source software that would be great too, openoffice, abiword, etc.
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