So I've been having a isse on PC that I've started to notice a while ago that a lot of my games have a weird hitching, regardless if I have Vsync on/off, Freesync on/off, locked/unlocked FPS, CPU/GPU underloaded or maxed out; here is a slowmo video of what I mean:
MSI afterburner shows the FPS can stay rock solid at 144 or whatever I set it to, but the games don't feel smooth at all. Here are most of the things/changed I've done already.
MSI afterburner shows the FPS can stay rock solid at 144 or whatever I set it to, but the games don't feel smooth at all. Here are most of the things/changed I've done already.
- Changed motherboards (all 3 are Gigabyte AM4 motherboards; x570, b550, b350 respectively)
- upgrade/downgraded BIOS
- Different Hz on the monitor
- Running a single monitor
- removed all devices and cables except keyboard and mouse
- removed ethernet cable
- XMP on and off
- HPET (High Presicion Event Timer) on and off
- limiting PCIE to 3.0 or 4.0 instead of "AUTO"
- Bought new RAM that was Ryzen compatible just in case ( 3600 RAM )
- Multiple NVIDIA drivers
- fTPM off (having this on reportedly causes system stutters on Win10/11 btw)
- Tried 3 different PSUs ( 2 of them are 500w from EVGA and the other one is 1000w)
- Swapped my Gigabyte 3070 ti for my older EVGA 1070 to an even older MSI 970
- Differen Display Port Cables and even tried HDMI
- I already have all the Xbox and stuff disabled
- Multiple fresh installs of Windows 10 and 11 with up to date Chipset drivers and even older version of the driver