Keep Geforce GTX 770 vs Upgrading GTX 970


Feb 22, 2014
Hey everyone,
I am just looking for some outside opinions on what I should do here. I currently own a EVGA GeForce GTX 770 SC 2GB, and looking to possibly upgrade to the Geforce GTX 970. I have a friend who is willing to buy my current GPU at $150, in which in turn I can invest that money into the GTX 970. Now I notice there is alot of chatter of the new "Pascal" series coming out soon possibly sometime this year. The delima that I am having is determing whether I should keep my current GPU and wait to upgrade when the new Pascal series releases. On the other hand go ahead and do the deal and upgrade. In your opinion, what would be the recommended choice for me to do?
The gtx 770 is still a decent card...It can survive for a couple more big titles. I would personally wait for pascal and save up some money in the meantime. See if the pascal gpus are inside of your budget, and if they are go with one of those. If they aren't, by then you might have even saved up enough money to buy a gtx 980.

The only thing is that that's a great deal.

Your choice, but I would wait and save some money.
Thank you everyone for taking the time in giving your thoughts on this. I think I might end up selling it to the friend and take advantage of buying a used one from another friend that I know of.

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