Keep My E4300 or go for E4600?


Jun 7, 2007
I've been running the E4300 conroe @ 266fsb for about a year and a half now. Did the Bsel pin mod. 2.4ghz is not enough for me anymore. My motherboard Has no PCI slot setting so overclocking past the 266 in the bios causes my rom drive to make noises and the computer won't boot. Also my motherboard will not do over 300 or so fsb anyway. (Asus P5L-VM 1394) I do have DDR2 667 memory, runs at 333fsb, 5-5....

So my question is should I get a new E4600 bsel it to 266 @ 3.2ghz? Or should I buy a new motherboard and try to get 3.2-3.4ghz out of the E4300? It has been 1.5 years running it overlcocked. Oh I do have voltage settings in the bios for the CPU but its always been on auto. I see there is a volt pin mod to 1.4 or 1.41v but I think the schematics I've seen that people post are backwards because the intel diagrams are looking down from the top of the CPU not the backside.
My motherboard isn't worth anything to sell. How much FSB can I go without overclocking the memory? PC 5300(DDR667) Its a lot more work to change the mobo, I'll have to reinstall the OS. Also I still will have a older CPU. I'm leaning towards the E4600... Unless everyone thinks the E4300 will be better. Stock cooling? Right now TAT shows 43c ide and 56c 100% load. What motherboard should I get and it has to be a mico ATX.
set a frickin fsb:mem ratio so u dont overclock ur ram, but jeez, invest in quality next time!!! I hate people that buy cheap mobos and then all they do is bitch about them!!!
Yes I did that. I was able to get it up to 290fsb setting @ 2.6ghz, after that it wont post. This is only a 1066fsb board so at 1160 its higher then its rated for. And yes I picked the middle ratio so my memory wasnt going over what its rated for.

And I don't think I am bitching about anything; but you seem like you are. I'm just looking for a good opinion on what to do. I only can fit a micro ATX board in my case so I'm limited. If you don't have a idea or solution then move along because your not helping.

I picked out a ASUS P5KPL-CM and Gigabyte GA-EG31M-S2. Both Can do 1600fsb, The Asus is a little limited on the OC features, and people said they couldnt change the Vcore voltage in small increments but on my P5L-VM I can. Not sure if they know what they are doing. The GIgabyte board has better overclocking, but the reviews show it is not as reliable. They both cost the same. Yes I know they are cheap, but I'm not spending $140 on a micro ATX board with fancier chipsets. :)

Since no one is posting right now I'll prolly get one of those soon.
well something really sad is my crappy old ASRock VIA PT8800 Pro or soemthing based mobo with a flying agp and pci e x4 slot could outdo my new P45 on clocks. 290fsb was max with the via, 210 is max with my P45 :'(