Keep Samsung 840 Evo or return?


Apr 25, 2014
So I've been putting together a new build and I was purchasing parts. I asked a question a week or two ago if I should purchase the 840 500GB or wait for a better price. Based on the comments that I's be waiting forever if I waited for the right time, I bought it at the price of $240 which was one of the lower prices I had seen.

I saw a deal last week for a Sandisk Ultra Plus 256 GB SSD for like 50 bucks! I had to jump on it (it was only available for Kindle Fire owners). Now I'm wondering if I should return the SSD and save the money or keep it. I know it's a really great SSD and now I'm wondering if it's worth keeping it or should I just return it? I've never had an SSD before and after looking at some of the speeds, it looks like the 840 evo might be worth it. Please let me know thanks.
The new Crucial MX100 512GB SSD offers nearly the same performance for just $200 If you get free returns, go for it, but if you have to pay return shipping and a restocking fee forget it. Also, the EVO is one of the fastest drives out now so at least you won't suffer in that regard, just expect prices to come down over the course of the year due to Crucial's competitive pricing.

Instock at Tigerdirect and Amazon


I got it on Amazon about 1 week ago. i don't see the problem in returning it

Would the price drop be worth the wait? I won't be so anxious to get it, but I'd still probably want it.

Maybe put the shoe on the other foot. If you sold one to a guy and there was nothing wrong with it but he wanted to return it, how would you feel?


Wait, am I hurting someone's feelings? Amazon is a company and they allow returns up to 30 days with specific guidelines such as excellent resale-able condition. It's not like i opened it up and installed it and trashed the box or even opened it out of its plastic packaging. I'm not trying to be a jerk or stubborn, but I don't see what's wrong. If it was an individual seller or small business I'd understand. That aside, please let me know if it'd be better to just keep it based on value and what I already have. Thanks much