[SOLVED] Keyboard inserting random characters while typing


Mar 29, 2013
Here is an example of the problem with my wireless keyboard used with my Windows 10 desktop. It appeared suddenly from one day to the next.

"Good points. I'll [give[ it[ a[ s9hot. [My [computer [keyboard [is9[ having [is9s9ues9. [How[ do [I [fix [it?"

You can see that the sentence is typed correctly but a left bracket and number 9 are being inserted. I have tried the following:

  • Changed the batteries
  • On-screen keyboard works perfectly
  • Uninstalled the keyboard driver and rebooted
  • Keyboard driver is the latest.

I don't have another keyboard (wired or wireless) to test it unfortunately. What else can I try?
Well without trying another keyboard first you've no way of knowing if it's a keyboard issue or a Windows issue, so you could be messing around in Windows for days trying to fix it when all the time it could be a duff keyboard.

So you really need to try another keyboard first --- borrow one if you can. If you can't borrow one, a basic keyboard is relatively cheap to buy.
Well without trying another keyboard first you've no way of knowing if it's a keyboard issue or a Windows issue, so you could be messing around in Windows for days trying to fix it when all the time it could be a duff keyboard.

So you really need to try another keyboard first --- borrow one if you can. If you can't borrow one, a basic keyboard is relatively cheap to buy.
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