Know price is to performance level of old hardwares!


Dec 2, 2017
I thought to buy a gift, some low end specs for gamming for my little brother. So I planned to buy AMD Rx 550 and Fx 4100. I want to know that how much fps can it give will playing some of the lastest games like MASS EFFECT 4, SHADOW OF MORDOR, MAD MAX at 900p with med settings and 1080p with low settings?
How much more would it cost to you get a Ryzen 3 CPU with a B350 or B450 mobo (or i3 8100 and H310 mobo)?

FX CPUs are pretty bad. Many graphics settings don't affect CPU usage, so even turning down settings to low may not help you if your CPU is too weak.
Best way is to hit the game requirements and rip "minimal requirements"
for example MAD MAX:
CPU: Intel Core i5-650, 3.2 GHz or AMD Phenom II X4 965, 3.4 Ghz
OS: 64-bit Windows Vista, 7, or 8
VIDEO CARD: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660ti (2 GB Memory or higher) or AMD Radeon HD 7870 (2 GB Memory or higher)

but if you buy it new, ryzen 3 2200 might be a good choice. (should be around the same with 550, and way better than most fx, for 100$)

Don't plan on buying a FX, they were pretty bad when they came out and are a terrible choice now. Depending on your budget you should look at a Ryzen 1200 or Intel i3 8100, if budget is less then go for the G5400.
I'd have to agree - best to go for a Ryzen 2200G or 2400G - they should do pretty well at the settings you're describing.

With the integrated graphics, you then get by without a video card for now, then get an add in card if so desired later.

But, this is assuming you are starting from scratch.

Most of those games won't even hit 30fps quite often due to how poor the fx 4100 is in terms of performance. A smart move would be to get a ryzen 2200g.
Sorry friends but I already bought a AM3+ motherboard and I don't have much money to spend I have work with this. Please answer to the point because R3 1200/2200g is not affordable for me right now.
After looking at some benchmarks, it's seems like mad Max and shadow of Mordor aren't very cpu intensive, shouldn't be held back by that FX much. Mass effect around 50 fps average with some dips. Just based on CPU.

Should be able to find plenty of benchmarks for an Rx 550 (or similar), and you can always tweak graphics settings to get the performance you want.

Getting a better gpu for a really weak cpu is not going to give you the desired results when the fx is holding you back. I really do recommend you just sell the board and get a ryzen or even just an older intel based dell tower for 150$ of ebay and that will simply be a lot better.