KT133A M/B Which one?


Apr 4, 2001
Which one of the Asus A7V133-C, Gigabyte GA 7ZX-E and MSI K7T-Turbo is the best KT133A motherboard regarding stability performance and overclocking? Also i saw a KT133E chipset. Is this a revised KT133A? What are the differences?
I don't know about Asus A7V133-C, but I have Asus A7V133 and it is the best overclocking mobo to me (TB 1G @ 1400MHz) so far.
Also i saw a KT133E chipset. Is this a revised KT133A? What are the differences?
I'm not sure but I think it is the revised of <b>KT133</b> not <b>KT133<font color=red>A</b></font color=red> (add VIA ATA100 controller and only support 100MHz FSB).

:smile: Good or Bad have no meaning at all, depends on what your point of view is.
The KT133E is an old chipset, I believe.

KT133: Only supported a 100MHz FSB, could overclock a bit past that. Was supposed to support 133, didn't work.

KT133a: Supports 133, added ATA100, much better memory usage. Added support for 4 USB ports?

There's more, I can't remember. I'll add it if I think of it.

<font color=green>I post so you don't have to!
9/11 - RIP</font color=green>
The KT133E chipset is newer than KT133 and if I'm not wrong newer than KT133A. Officially it doesn't support 133 MHz, but in practise it can go beyond this.

If you're looking for the best Kt133A MB go for the Iwill KK266. Anandtech site has an excellent revision about all these boards.
ive recently asked the same question.

i have an a7v133 which is slowly dying on me.
apparently the top ones are
asus a7v133
MSI k7t turbo
abit k7g raid
or Iwill kk266 r

I have chosen the Iwill KK266R as my next mobo for a number of reasons:
1. i dont want another a7v133 to die on me (i was running at 150fsb all the time)
2. certain features about the a7v irked me, namely overincreased core voltage, crappy cooler on the northbridge (fan but NO HS!, just a flat plate) 154fsb limitation.
3. of ALL the KK266 or KK266R reviews i have read (5 ro 6) the Iwill board comes out as very stable AND the board able to overclock the system bus the most. thats what i want
160+fsb is not uncommon.
there is also a plus version of the iwill board with improved onbaord audio and some bios tweaks.

Religious wars are 2 groups of people fighting over who has the best imaginary friend.

The best board I've ever had!! Be sure to flash the BIOS to ver2.9 or 3.0!! Damn! I love this board! I've been using this board for sometimes and never it once failed me! Go for it! You won't regret!!
BTW, since I didn't get in my vote before...Abit KT7a. Best KT133a board around.
Sorry to vote for one that's not on the list :)

<font color=green>I post so you don't have to!
9/11 - RIP</font color=green>
I have MSI K7T Pro 2-A.
It supports 133 fsb.
It has ATA 66/100.
Both fsp and multiplier can be adjusted in BIOS.
Core voltage can be increased in BIOS.
Fsb can be adjusted with FuzzyLogic3 in Windows (comes
on CD w/mobo drivers).
Right now I'm running Duron700 OC@840 (120 fsb) ROCK SOLID!
(w/o increase of core voltage)
My vote goes to MSI.

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