LAN Party in Buffalo NY

I'll try to go. My wife and I are expecting our baby on the 15th. I've decided to name him Max Payne (not really). Midterms are also around that time as well. I'll let you know if I firm up....

Is there a synonym for thesaurus?
Grub... There has been a change of dates... I met with Todd of Fragnation last night and we will be changing the date to the 30th of November. This will suit me better and most likely you as well. Go to the "Others" section to see the thread there. It has all of the updates so far.

<A HREF="" target="_new">WWW.Fragnation.Com</A>

<font color=red><b>Come to the <A HREF="" target="_new">THG Gathering/LAN party</A>
YOu probably have this info somewhere. (so sorry for probably making you repeat yourself) WHat game are you planning on having in Buffalo? Are there going to be any in the Philly area? Thanks for your time. Good luck at the party. Take care.

Hang in there. It can only get better!
We are going to run 4 tourneys.


You can read up on the event on the thread here in the community, see the signature of the week listed above or here at the bottom of this post. Or you can go over to <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

<font color=red><b>Come to the <A HREF="" target="_new">THG Gathering/LAN party</A>
Try it again...

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

<font color=red><b>Come to the <A HREF="" target="_new">THG Gathering/LAN party</A>