Laptop acting strange after trying to transfer files from laptop HDD to main desktop PC

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May 3, 2015
Hey guys,

As the title indicates, the main topic of this thread has to do with my attempt at transferring a few folders from my laptop's hard drive to my main PC by connecting the hard drive directly to the desktop PC's motherboard via a SATA cable. I initially thought that this wouldn't be a problem (some of you are probably shaking your heads at this lol) but after failing to transfer the files (due to numerous permission requests from the hard drive) I then tried to reconnect the hard drive to the laptop. On start up, it seemed to take much longer than usual and after logging in, the desktop looks as shown on the picture below (the "all folders" folder includes most of my documents and folders located on the desktop for privacy reasons). Now is there a way of somehow being able to fix this and restore the laptop into its previous working state especially because I use it for school which starts in about a week or so? Thanks in advance.
I honestly don't know why you're experiencing this problem. Transferring (moving or copying files) from a laptop's drive to a drive installed in a desktop PC is a routine uncomplicated operation (or should be one). Why you're getting involved in this "permissions" business is incomprehensible (at least to me). There's virtually no likelihood that your PCs will be adversely affected because of some malicious software unless the file(s) you're transferring contain viruses or malware of one type or another. I assume you have installed an A-V program and possibly other anti-malware types of programs on your PCs.
First of all, while there are various ways to copy data from a laptop's HDD/SSD to another PC, the safest & most straightforward way (IMO) is to use a USB external HDD (or SSD) to copy the desired files from the laptop's drive to the HDD/SSD installed in a USB external enclosure; then simply connect the USBEHD apparatus to the desktop's USB port and use that arrangement to copy the files over to the desktop's HDD.

It is highly desirable for virtually EVERY PC user to have a USBEHD that can be utilized in the future so that the enclosed drive can be used as a destination drive for the cloned contents of his/her PC so as to maintain a comprehensive backup system. It's something you should not neglect. The additional cost involved in purchasing a USB external enclosure + a HDD is not terribly expensive.

By & large it is generally not a good idea to remove the HDD from a laptop, install the drive in the desktop PC and attempt the copying function that way. While it can be successfully done there are various pitfalls that can occur that can adversely affect the laptop's drive data (as well as the desktop PC's drive). Transfer of data via the USB method noted above is the way to go.

I cannot access the .png screenshot you indicated. It's difficult, if not impossible for me to understand the precise problem you're experiencing. I can't tell whether this involves corruption of data or some other problem.

Thanks for getting back to me and the following is a direct link to the screenshot of how the desktop looks like: file:///C:/Users/Enid/Desktop/image.png

If you are still unable to see it, the background is all black (the wallpaper that I had on does not show up anymore) and the icons look kind of strange strange with the icons for google chrome and the documents folder showing up as blank pages. Also as I was copying some documents into the "All folders" folder, it was asking for "permissions" something that hasn't happened before.

I'm unable to create an account on imgur so the image is posted on imgBB which is another similar website. Here's the link to it:

Let me know if it works
First of all I cannot access the .png screenshot since the link does not allow access to your drive that contains the image.'

Secondly, I'm not at all sure what significant value it will be to me anyway to help diagnose your problem, let alone resolve it.

It probably would be best if you could CLEARLY explain the PRECISE problem you're dealing with in order for me, or anyone, to truly understand what IS the problem. When you state things like " Also as I was copying some documents into the "All folders" folder, it was asking for "permissions" something that hasn't happened before." - this is virtually useless information for an "outsider" to understand your problem. You simply have to clearly and in detail explain your problem in reasonably simple-to-understand terms before anyone can provide you with a useful "plan-of-action" to resolve the problem(s).

Are you able to see the following link?

It's difficult to explain the whole issue as there's several things going on. Some of the things I mentioned are related to the screenshot that I've been trying to link in my previous replies. Is there some sort of test I could run or a restore method to use in order to determine and fix the issue caused by connecting the HDD of a laptop to the mobo of a desktop PC? I even attempted to open an image located on the desktop and after taking about 2 minutes to open up into a new window, it states that "It appears that you don't have permission to view this file. Check the permissions and try again." Another tab/window also randomly appeared saying "Unable to launch application". Something is really wrong but not sure what.

Okay after looking more into the problem it seems like the attempt at transferring files from the laptop hard drive into the desktop PC has caused issues with permissions on the laptop hard drive. I followed the following link: and applied the permissions onto the "Users" folder in Drive C: under my name. However, is that the right way of going about it because someone mentioned on another thread online that putting all the files/documents/folders/ under the same name/user could cause further problems in the future if a malicious type of software was to be downloaded allowing it to have access to almost every file on your computer? I hope this whole thing is much clearer now.
I honestly don't know why you're experiencing this problem. Transferring (moving or copying files) from a laptop's drive to a drive installed in a desktop PC is a routine uncomplicated operation (or should be one). Why you're getting involved in this "permissions" business is incomprehensible (at least to me). There's virtually no likelihood that your PCs will be adversely affected because of some malicious software unless the file(s) you're transferring contain viruses or malware of one type or another. I assume you have installed an A-V program and possibly other anti-malware types of programs on your PCs.

Okay thanks anyways. It feels like my last and only option is to reset the whole system to factory settings.
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