Question Laptop battery vendor in the US - who would you recommend for an older model?


Ok, so, a friend of mine has this laptop from 2016, but in nice shape. Came with Windows 10 Home, has 8GB DDR4 RAM and SATA 3. 1TB HDD (yeah, that's fun with Windows), BUT, it's an FX-9830P Definitely threw me for a loop.

The battery, however, is kaput. If I plug it in, the laptop is just fine, but it will hold ZERO charge. If I disconnect the charger, the laptop immediately shuts off. I have noticed that, if powered off, I can plug it in and the battery light turns on orange, but, eventually, starts blinking orange.

Friend of mine wants this for basic office type use.

So, I'm looking to source a battery for it. But I usually don't deal with laptops. Of course, when I looked it up, there's a whole lot of available sellers, but I don't know who is reputable.

Any suggestions?

SIDE NOTE: This is an Asus R510IU-LXFS. Here is the manual. See chapter 5 in particular. I only bring this up because this was SO WONDERFUL to look at. The battery is kind of part of the body, but literally can be removed/replaced within SECONDS! I really, REALLY love this form-factor for the battery. In addition to that, two screws on the bottom let you remove the access panel (about 1/3 of the bottom), with EASY access to the 2.5" SATA drive, and the empty memory slot. I really wish laptops were still easily serviceable like this.
You could look into this;
but please take off the battery on the laptop and then cross reference it with the part number mentioned in the listing linked above.

The battery is kind of part of the body, but literally can be removed/replaced within SECONDS!
Laptops from 2000 to 2018 had their battery end up being part of the laptop's design language as well as serving as a pedestal to raise the laptop a little off the desk, to allow for cooler, ambient air to enter the cooling vents(if any underneath the laptop.
Anything that is factory is also a dead dog at this point. All you are going to find are knock off batteries that will not perform anything as close as the original. In some cases you can get "private" individuals to build one (such as The Battery Guy) but once again, it will not be as good as that factory one was.
You could look into this;
but please take off the battery on the laptop and then cross reference it with the part number mentioned in the listing linked above.

The battery is kind of part of the body, but literally can be removed/replaced within SECONDS!
Laptops from 2000 to 2018 had their battery end up being part of the laptop's design language as well as serving as a pedestal to raise the laptop a little off the desk, to allow for cooler, ambient air to enter the cooling vents(if any underneath the laptop.
Glad you mentioned it, because it is different, although I think the one linked would work. The one linked specs out as:

Capacity:2200mAh/33Wh; Cells: 4-cell; Voltage: 14.8V.

But the original is 15V, 2950mAh, 44Wh.

The capacity is clearly 25% less. Though, I guess for capacity, it's simply: can you live with about 75% of the original's no-plug duration?

Maybe the voltage difference is insignificant? Is that 0.2V difference considered an acceptable margin? (can you tell I'm not a laptop guy, and REALLY paranoid when giving a friend advice on laptops?)

EDIT: I'm seeing others online saying 14.4V, claiming "14.8V compatible" - is that really compatible, or will that make the laptop temperamental?

Still, it appears to be A41-X550A, which is on their compatibility list. If I don't find something beefier, I may go for it.

As I was writing this, I'm thinking, wait, 14.8V? And a reference I came across mentions 4 cells? I'm wondering if this thing just has a set of 14400 or 18600 lithium ion cells? I wonder if there's a way to pop this thing open and just replace the cells inside... or whether that's even a cost effective thing to do.

EDIT 2: yeah, that's looking like separating the cells, and playing with the adhesive, wires, etc., make this more trouble than its worth - just gonna buy a whole unit with warranty if I can find a normal, or possibly high-capacity one. I've seen reference to a 4400mAh version.
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In response to the above about the cells, that pretty much sums it up.

We, among other things, do emergency light inspections as part of our professional services. We use a fellow that will make pretty much any kind of battery we need and in addition to that, he also works on electric car batteries and has helped us with our fleet of Prius. It is important to keep in mind that a bunch of batteries series/parallel together can produce a mean amount of Ah which can make you dead. If you aren't implicitly aware of what you are working with and how these things ARE better left to a professional.