Question Laptop Secondary Internal HDD upgrade

May 12, 2024
Hi all, thanks in advance for any help. I had an idea to upgrade my hhd storage in my laptop. I currently have 1tb hhd installed as a secondary drive. Main windows is now a 1tb M.2 drive(just upgraded yesterday)

I do have a 2Tb HDD which has my music on (iTunes) but the controller is shot. Works fine in another caddy. What I’m thinking is swapping this drive for the internal drive. I want to keep the music so am I ok to just copy the stuff from the internal HDD to this drive then just install it in its place. It only has about 100gb of stuff on there at moment (internal drive) the external has about 700gb of stuff (needs sorting when I have time)

My plan
1. Change name on external to match internal(D😀ATA
2. Select internal and copy to external
3. Install external to internal
4. Disk management make sure internal recognised as D😀ATA

Should this be ok or would I be better folder by folder or a dedicated file management program

Thanks again

Yes the drive works fine, the controller it plugged into in the enclosure is not working. I have an old HDD cloner when I plug drive in it works fine.
So premise is to copy the internal 1tb HDD onto the 2TB and swap drives that will give me same empty space but my music internally