Question Laptop windows 10 reboots when it has wifi networks and it doesnt when it doednt have wifi

Jun 22, 2024
So in a normal day i started to play games when in all of da sudden, it restarted itself without warning and it took my wifi networks and now if i boot my pc smth will detect that i have wifi and it will restart my pc but when it doesnt have wifi networks it doesnt restart.
Jun 22, 2024
So in a normal day i started to play games when in all of da sudden, it restarted itself without warning and it took my wifi networks and now if i boot my pc smth will detect that i have wifi and it will restart my pc but when it doesnt have wifi networks it doesnt restart.


Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

We will need more context. What is the make and model of your laptop? An SKU will help us two fold. Might want to see if your laptop is pending any BIOS updates. Following that, try and uninstall your wireless adapter's drivers, then manually reinstall with the latest driver sourced from your laptop's support site.

What version(not edition) of Windows 10 are you working with? You've stated playing games, what games are we talking about here and where did you source said games from?

Use HWInfo and monitor your temps, passing on a screenshot for us to see.