[citation][nom]Martell1977[/nom]Yes, this is the main reason the Founders put the 2nd amendment in the constitution.Sorry, couldn't edit and I forgot to edit the quote properly, should look as above here.[/citation]
Actually it was for several reasons while that is certainly one of them back then armed citizen militias were a insurance policy to keep America safe from foreign invaders. In-fact it's doubtful that the war for independence would have even been successful without this. Minutemen while never being as successful as the actual United States army under Washington made it for it be a very unpredictable and hostile place for British soldiers. They played a large role in not only winning it but made invasion of America a rather frightening idea for the world powers at the time.
People today however do not practice the second amendment correctly. It clearly states "A well regulated Militia". One could argue that this is now the national guard of each state as they actually fit the requirements. This is something a individual alone could never fit under. This is what they envisioned.
"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
-Richard Henry Lee
To the founding fathers this was seen as a obligation that all able bodied men would be in a militia. Let's face it, that is not the America that we have today. Pro-gun ownership is not a constitutional issue in our modern outlook on it. If the pro-gun ownership citizens actually understood the constitution they would be members of the national guard which are literally citizen soldiers.
It's sad that most Americans are clueless about this subject.