I'm at my wit's end. I just built a new PC that should not be having issues, but freaking League of Legends won't load from Champ Select into the Game, and I get hit with AFK and Leaverbuster penalties. The odd thing is usually the first game will load, but in each game after that the game client becomes unresponsive and will not load after champ select. Specs are far above and beyond what LoL needs:
CPU: Ryzen 9 3900X
Mobo: ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero
RAM: 32GB @ 3200Mhz
Storage: 1TB NVME
GPU: RTX 2070
I've googled my symptoms and tried every single thing I could find, but nothing works... complete uninstall then re-install, disabled firewall, disabled anti-virus, messed with video settings, run in compatibility mode, disabled IPv6... nothing.
All drivers are current, RAM is on the mobo's DVL, BIOS is updated, Windows is updated. The rig chews through video and 3D rendering like a champ, but League takes up to 20 minutes to load in from Champ Select. In the gamelogs, the log always cut out at the exact same place: the log says the "Set focus to app", and the next line should be my computer identifying it's hardware, but it never gets to that next part. I submitted a ticket to Riot's tech support, but I have yet to hear back from them. Here is an example of a gamelog:
000000.000| ALWAYS| Logging started at 2020-10-20T09:18:14.283
000000.037| ALWAYS| CFG| CrashHandler(Sentry)
000000.125| ALWAYS| CFG| Command Line: " 5329 GqeAS83pCBf1sMxzaN0Q8Q== 84989660" "-PlayerID=84989660" "-GameID=3625392778" "-Region=NA" "-PlatformID=NA1" "-Locale=en_US" "-SkipBuild" "-EnableCrashpad=true" "-UseNewX3D=1" "-UseNewX3DFramebuffers=1" "-RiotClientPort=51196" "-RiotClientAuthToken=7MyuQRTaSovdu_Icvh5bTQ"
000000.130| ALWAYS| Parent process: C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\LeagueClient.exe
000000.526| ALWAYS| CFG| Build Version: Version 10.21.339.2173 (Oct 09 2020/15:54:02) [PUBLIC] <Releases/10.21> ChangeList: 3392173
000000.532| ALWAYS| Live Profiling enabled. Will overwrite old RPD.
000000.593| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Initializing on port 51196
000000.642| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Connected to app process.
000000.664| ALWAYS| FLOW| Initializing Renderer
000000.664| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::Init enter
000000.664| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::Init() exit successfully
000000.664| ALWAYS| rr3dRenderLayer::InitDevice(XRes = 1920, YRes = 1080, BPP = 32) enter
000000.665| ALWAYS| rr3dRenderLayer::InitDevice: Creating X3D device
000000.687| ALWAYS| Detected Adapter 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070'
000001.278| ALWAYS| Using X3D Platform: DX9
000001.294| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::RecreateOwnedResources
000001.295| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::InitResources exit successfully
000001.463| ALWAYS| AudioManager: Wwise Version v2018.1.1 initialized.
000001.596| ALWAYS| GameStartData::GameID=3625392778
000001.784| ALWAYS| CONN| Connecting to address ( port (5329)
000001.790| ALWAYS| CONN| Waiting for response from game server...
000001.924| ALWAYS| CONN| Hard Connect at LocalSimTime(0.000)
000001.984| ALWAYS| CONN| Game Info Received ServerSimTime(0.000) PreviousDisconnectCount(4)
000001.984| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 0) PityPwincess - Champion(Gnar) SkinID(0) TeamBuilderRole(TOP) PUUID(c3887d8a-2cdd-5faa-8137-5d1ebae8cb76) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.984| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 1) BXFVISUALS - Champion(Shen) SkinID(0) TeamBuilderRole(JUNGLE) PUUID(e9edc789-5f0f-5c17-92cf-e300bcedc6ea) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.984| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 2) LeBobe LOCAL - Champion(Anivia) SkinID(2) TeamBuilderRole(MIDDLE) PUUID(cd64bdfc-e95c-590f-a603-502fb5287751) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.984| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 3) sexking050702 - Champion(Kalista) SkinID(1) TeamBuilderRole(BOTTOM) PUUID(fc18eb49-a86b-569f-8504-1fcda1e86fb9) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.984| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 4) deadsturgeon - Champion(Pantheon) SkinID(4) TeamBuilderRole(UTILITY) PUUID(daf8e8c5-f394-522e-bd1d-5c9e58be191e) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.984| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamChaos 0) x000x - Champion(Mordekaiser) SkinID(3) TeamBuilderRole(TOP) PUUID(6835cb4c-301e-5bc2-a0f5-c20e568b79ce) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.984| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamChaos 1) DogeBuster - Champion(XinZhao) SkinID(20) TeamBuilderRole(JUNGLE) PUUID(4bf801b8-04d8-55a5-a014-b6d2035796d5) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.984| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamChaos 2) Caegest - Champion(Lux) SkinID(0) TeamBuilderRole(MIDDLE) PUUID(c3bcc271-2011-53a2-89ff-51b861d42035) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.984| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamChaos 3) RednoseBruce - Champion(Jinx) SkinID(15) TeamBuilderRole(BOTTOM) PUUID(0119f7b7-7c96-5a1b-90de-edb3ffa0b4b0) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.985| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamChaos 4) SickestClicks - Champion(Swain) SkinID(3) TeamBuilderRole(UTILITY) PUUID(ff6c758c-33e2-579f-9da4-aea1a1dddd5a) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.986| ALWAYS| CONN| Game Server Connection Established after 0.196 seconds, 0 retries
000001.988| ALWAYS| FLOW| Waiting for loading info
000002.101| ALWAYS| CFG| MultiplayerSettings Encryption=true Compression=true Logging=false Wireless=false Redundancy=false Threshold=0 Resends=20 Timeout=8.000 TimeoutDisplay=3.000
000002.498| ALWAYS| Set focus to app
Any help would be greatly appreciated
CPU: Ryzen 9 3900X
Mobo: ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero
RAM: 32GB @ 3200Mhz
Storage: 1TB NVME
GPU: RTX 2070
I've googled my symptoms and tried every single thing I could find, but nothing works... complete uninstall then re-install, disabled firewall, disabled anti-virus, messed with video settings, run in compatibility mode, disabled IPv6... nothing.
All drivers are current, RAM is on the mobo's DVL, BIOS is updated, Windows is updated. The rig chews through video and 3D rendering like a champ, but League takes up to 20 minutes to load in from Champ Select. In the gamelogs, the log always cut out at the exact same place: the log says the "Set focus to app", and the next line should be my computer identifying it's hardware, but it never gets to that next part. I submitted a ticket to Riot's tech support, but I have yet to hear back from them. Here is an example of a gamelog:
000000.000| ALWAYS| Logging started at 2020-10-20T09:18:14.283
000000.037| ALWAYS| CFG| CrashHandler(Sentry)
000000.125| ALWAYS| CFG| Command Line: " 5329 GqeAS83pCBf1sMxzaN0Q8Q== 84989660" "-PlayerID=84989660" "-GameID=3625392778" "-Region=NA" "-PlatformID=NA1" "-Locale=en_US" "-SkipBuild" "-EnableCrashpad=true" "-UseNewX3D=1" "-UseNewX3DFramebuffers=1" "-RiotClientPort=51196" "-RiotClientAuthToken=7MyuQRTaSovdu_Icvh5bTQ"
000000.130| ALWAYS| Parent process: C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\LeagueClient.exe
000000.526| ALWAYS| CFG| Build Version: Version 10.21.339.2173 (Oct 09 2020/15:54:02) [PUBLIC] <Releases/10.21> ChangeList: 3392173
000000.532| ALWAYS| Live Profiling enabled. Will overwrite old RPD.
000000.593| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Initializing on port 51196
000000.642| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Connected to app process.
000000.664| ALWAYS| FLOW| Initializing Renderer
000000.664| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::Init enter
000000.664| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::Init() exit successfully
000000.664| ALWAYS| rr3dRenderLayer::InitDevice(XRes = 1920, YRes = 1080, BPP = 32) enter
000000.665| ALWAYS| rr3dRenderLayer::InitDevice: Creating X3D device
000000.687| ALWAYS| Detected Adapter 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070'
000001.278| ALWAYS| Using X3D Platform: DX9
000001.294| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::RecreateOwnedResources
000001.295| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::InitResources exit successfully
000001.463| ALWAYS| AudioManager: Wwise Version v2018.1.1 initialized.
000001.596| ALWAYS| GameStartData::GameID=3625392778
000001.784| ALWAYS| CONN| Connecting to address ( port (5329)
000001.790| ALWAYS| CONN| Waiting for response from game server...
000001.924| ALWAYS| CONN| Hard Connect at LocalSimTime(0.000)
000001.984| ALWAYS| CONN| Game Info Received ServerSimTime(0.000) PreviousDisconnectCount(4)
000001.984| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 0) PityPwincess - Champion(Gnar) SkinID(0) TeamBuilderRole(TOP) PUUID(c3887d8a-2cdd-5faa-8137-5d1ebae8cb76) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.984| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 1) BXFVISUALS - Champion(Shen) SkinID(0) TeamBuilderRole(JUNGLE) PUUID(e9edc789-5f0f-5c17-92cf-e300bcedc6ea) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.984| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 2) LeBobe LOCAL - Champion(Anivia) SkinID(2) TeamBuilderRole(MIDDLE) PUUID(cd64bdfc-e95c-590f-a603-502fb5287751) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.984| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 3) sexking050702 - Champion(Kalista) SkinID(1) TeamBuilderRole(BOTTOM) PUUID(fc18eb49-a86b-569f-8504-1fcda1e86fb9) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.984| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 4) deadsturgeon - Champion(Pantheon) SkinID(4) TeamBuilderRole(UTILITY) PUUID(daf8e8c5-f394-522e-bd1d-5c9e58be191e) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.984| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamChaos 0) x000x - Champion(Mordekaiser) SkinID(3) TeamBuilderRole(TOP) PUUID(6835cb4c-301e-5bc2-a0f5-c20e568b79ce) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.984| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamChaos 1) DogeBuster - Champion(XinZhao) SkinID(20) TeamBuilderRole(JUNGLE) PUUID(4bf801b8-04d8-55a5-a014-b6d2035796d5) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.984| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamChaos 2) Caegest - Champion(Lux) SkinID(0) TeamBuilderRole(MIDDLE) PUUID(c3bcc271-2011-53a2-89ff-51b861d42035) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.984| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamChaos 3) RednoseBruce - Champion(Jinx) SkinID(15) TeamBuilderRole(BOTTOM) PUUID(0119f7b7-7c96-5a1b-90de-edb3ffa0b4b0) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.985| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamChaos 4) SickestClicks - Champion(Swain) SkinID(3) TeamBuilderRole(UTILITY) PUUID(ff6c758c-33e2-579f-9da4-aea1a1dddd5a) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.986| ALWAYS| CONN| Game Server Connection Established after 0.196 seconds, 0 retries
000001.988| ALWAYS| FLOW| Waiting for loading info
000002.101| ALWAYS| CFG| MultiplayerSettings Encryption=true Compression=true Logging=false Wireless=false Redundancy=false Threshold=0 Resends=20 Timeout=8.000 TimeoutDisplay=3.000
000002.498| ALWAYS| Set focus to app
Any help would be greatly appreciated