[citation][nom]54645654[/nom]"Well, it doesn't help that no Metro app made a compelling case for its existence while I was testing the release preview, but still...my computer, Microsoft. Just because you own the operating system that's running it doesn't mean you get to tell me what I can and cannot do with it."no of they could they would be called APPLE!![/citation]
[citation][nom]Old_Fogie_Late_Bloomer[/nom]Seriously, I can't believe how many people on a tech site are defending Windows 8 in all these stories. Personally, I wouldn't use it if Microsoft did it away for free...and no, it's not because I'm too set in my ways to learn how to use "The design language formerly known as Metro". As long as Microsoft maintains the attitude that they can control what goes on my computer, to the point where they'll disable and remove programs, I'm sticking to Windows 7 and Linux.Well, it doesn't help that no Metro app made a compelling case for its existence while I was testing the release preview, but still...my computer, Microsoft. Just because you own the operating system that's running it doesn't mean you get to tell me what I can and cannot do with it.[/citation]
MS can't control what is and isn't on your computer. If you want a start menu, then you can install one yourself. Yes, you can even do that in the RTM. If you don't want Metro (or whatever MS ends up calling it) at all, then there are tricks to get rid of it, at least to an extent (granted the latest previews and the RTM don't make this as easy as it was in the dev preview). MS can only control what is in the default OS. They don't control what you do with it unless you let them.