People, just ignore Metro. On a desktop or laptop, Metro is mostly optional. I use windows 8 every day at home, and it stays in Desktop Mode constantly. Every program you use on Windows 7, works fine on Windows 8. I can't wait until they let us have Windows 8 at work. If you stay in Desktop Mode, use ViStart or something to get back your start menu, and be careful how you launch things, you can stay in Desktop mode all the time. Windows 8 has a lot of improvements over Windows 7. It is faster, leaner, quicker booting, better at sleeping, better task manager, better file copy, better windows updating, and many many other features.
Did all you people who claimed to try Windows 8 never bother to try Desktop Mode? Leave Windows 8 in Desktop mode all the time, and it's just a much nicer version of Windows 7. I will probably pay Microsoft the $40 to get a legal upgrade of Windows 8. Give this a serious try guys. Dual boot windows 8, install ViStart to get a start menu, and stay in Desktop Mode most of the time. Try that for a month. You will eventually notice all the nice new features. You don't need to install antivirus anymore, you don't need to install daemon tools anymore. Those are built right in. The website I am building, doesn't work right in IE9, but it works fine in IE10. IE has finally caught up to Safari, Chrome, and Firefox.