Lenovo Ideapad Z460 keyboard light not working and other problems

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Jan 13, 2015
Hi, I have the Ideapad z460 i3 version by the way, Model: 20059 (if that would help) so the problem is I messed up my laptop specifically the operating system it was stuck on the windows logo then restarts, so my friend told me that a format would be the solution and installing a new OS, so when he returned it back to me it was working, it was booting and I could basically use it.

1.) But without the keyboard lights
2.) Another was when I was doing some work, Chrome would crash randomly,
3.) And when I restarted my laptop upon landing on the desktop there would be an error saying "GfxUI stopped working" I didn't mind that because I could still use it anyways. So I checked under device manager for any uninstalled drivers and I found no labels with a yellow exclamation,
4.) Also he did mentioned that when he opened the back of the laptop he says that I have 2 RAMs, one is a green one which is a kingston 2gb ddr3, and one is a blue one hynix 2gb ddr3 as well, so I wondered because all this time I though my laptop only had 2gb, so I checked My Computer and yes it has only 2gb of RAM showing there,
5.) Another thing is when I was using it I encountered a blue screen which the keyword i got was "Memory_Management" not really sure what it was but when I asked my friend he says that it was a RAM thing or a HDD thing,

I know this may be a lot, but I am in need of help with this one, I could do formatting and installing drivers but thats about it, for replacing hardware (if needed) I'm not to keen about it but I would need at least opinions from you guys on how to address this, because I feel that my friend would mess this up some more.

OS Version (after my friend's format): Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

Typically RAM is best served in pairs that are the same. That could be an issue.

But the Gfxui error is typically from a bad graphics driver and occasionally a .net framework error. To eliminate those as possibilities should be pretty easy. Use DDU to uninstal your graphics driver and then reinstall the graphics driver fresh. Made sure you download it before running DDU as without the driver, sometimes the default VGA resolution is so low and everything looks huge on screen and can be a pain downloading from the website.

The next thing is to open your add/remove programs app and uninstall the Microsoft Net Framework and then reinstall it with a current install from Microsoft's website.

Still sounds like you may have a RAM issue...

Copy, I'll do that once I get back home from work. I'll post updates here once done thanks!
Typically RAM is best served in pairs that are the same. That could be an issue.

But the Gfxui error is typically from a bad graphics driver and occasionally a .net framework error. To eliminate those as possibilities should be pretty easy. Use DDU to uninstal your graphics driver and then reinstall the graphics driver fresh. Made sure you download it before running DDU as without the driver, sometimes the default VGA resolution is so low and everything looks huge on screen and can be a pain downloading from the website.

The next thing is to open your add/remove programs app and uninstall the Microsoft Net Framework and then reinstall it with a current install from Microsoft's website.

Still sounds like you may have a RAM issue also, but with the Gfxui error, I think you may have a software issue also.
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