Question Lenovo legion 5 - slow battery charge after day of no using


Jan 30, 2014
Hello. I'm using laptop Lenovo legion 5 15iah7. Using it at the work week and charge it when battery drops to ~20%. It takes ~ 90 minutes to fully charge while using it. It happens at noon. Then use it for ~ 3 hours and charge it again. This time its turned off and again needs around of 90 minutes to fully charge. The problem is if keep it not used for a day. Then connect it for charging but it cannot charge properly. Stay for 3 hours and barely reach 70%. For example, Wednesday evening left him with less than 20%, Thursday didn't use and at the evening connect for charging - after 3 hours barely reach 70%. If didn't use it at the weekend - the same. Is some protection for the battery or anyone else notice something similar to this behavior? Previously used Dell and Hp and such problem doesn't exist
Just a theory, but during the week you are constantly using it till 20% then continue to use it till it recharges then depleting it again with that cycle repeating all week. If you miss one of those cycles or not charging all weekend, the laptop might go into a deep recharge to recondition the battery.

I have an Asus G15 laptop that if im working on it and leave it plugged in, it will pop a message up on the screen and tell me to unplug the power to drain the battery.
This theory looks logical. But is it expected to happen? The other big minus here is that the laptop is made for gaming which also didn't help for the battery level(i didn't use it for gaming, just for browser work)