Lionhead: Gaming Is Being Reborn on PC!

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That's great and all, but you haven't even released Fable II on the PC yet. Does this mean we should be seeing Fable III on the PC at the same time as the console or maybe, even BEFORE the consoles?
... everybody’s talking about Facebook games [...] I don’t see why all those others like AAA blockbusters can’t incorporate that sort of level of interaction.

Fable IV as a Facebook app? 😵
[citation][nom]isamuelson[/nom]That's great and all, but you haven't even released Fable II on the PC yet. Does this mean we should be seeing Fable III on the PC at the same time as the console or maybe, even BEFORE the consoles?[/citation]

You have no idea how much that would make my day. So far all i have to look forward to is Crysis 2... Kinda sad
Peter "Hype Pooping Machine" Molyneux.. This guy could talk about such trivial things like drinking water and make people go all crazy about it. I'm never believing anything he has to say again. Please, just listen to him talk about Fable 3 and it's freakin' wardrobe..

Peter "Hype Pooping Machine" Molyneux, you should be working at Apple!
Flash games can one put that in the same category as "real games". We have Crysis 2 to look forwards to, Battlefield 3 (hopefully a properly made Battlefield as oppose to BC2), Starcraft II, Portal 2 and hopefully Valve has other games at the end of the pipeline.

What I have to say about PC gaming is really choose carefully who you support when buying. Rather buy a Valve game than some tightly sealed experience game with plenty of DRM.
Hahaha nice one Zoonie.

Yeah I dont really like him either. Such a hype machine. oh by the way, Fable II sucked. It honestly felt like an arcade game when I was playing it.
do you guys realize what just happened?

peter molyneux says that pc gaming is being reborn... and everything this guy says is like complete bs...

...does this mean that pc gaming is really dying? D=
Seriously, if you have a decent PC, you already own a more powerful machine than any console. The only way they can sell those things to PC owners is to make games that PC owners think are great, and then not release them for PC to force you to buy their console. But what is a console if not a rudimentary pre-fab PC that is extremely limited in functionality? PC game makers may complain about "infinite hardware compatibility issues," but if they program their games to take advantage of that very often superior hardware, there is no way consoles can catch up. Consoles are for people who can't afford a decent PC, or for kids who don't know enough to operate one.
Listen buddy, if I released a game with fewer than 10 spells and tried to pass it off as some kind of Action RPG, I would be hung from the gallows.

You're just lucky you got away with it.
[citation][nom]pluripotent[/nom]Seriously, if you have a decent PC, you already own a more powerful machine than any console. The only way they can sell those things to PC owners is to make games that PC owners think are great, and then not release them for PC to force you to buy their console. But what is a console if not a rudimentary pre-fab PC that is extremely limited in functionality? PC game makers may complain about "infinite hardware compatibility issues," but if they program their games to take advantage of that very often superior hardware, there is no way consoles can catch up. Consoles are for people who can't afford a decent PC, or for kids who don't know enough to operate one.[/citation]

i couldn't have said it any better .... +1
molyneux is like emperor palpatine. i swear he just needs to say something, and everyone instantly believes it.

i stopped caring about what he had to say around about the time fable II came out.
[citation][nom]pluripotent[/nom]Seriously, if you have a decent PC, you already own a more powerful machine than any console. The only way they can sell those things to PC owners is to make games that PC owners think are great, and then not release them for PC to force you to buy their console. But what is a console if not a rudimentary pre-fab PC that is extremely limited in functionality? PC game makers may complain about "infinite hardware compatibility issues," but if they program their games to take advantage of that very often superior hardware, there is no way consoles can catch up. Consoles are for people who can't afford a decent PC, or for kids who don't know enough to operate one.[/citation]
well thanks for clearing some points to us and them +1
[citation][nom]tipmen[/nom]You have no idea how much that would make my day. So far all i have to look forward to is Crysis 2... Kinda sad[/citation]
Same. Crysis 2 and Fable 3 are the only games I'm legitimately interested in buying over the next few years.
[citation][nom]pluripotent[/nom]Consoles are for people who can't afford a decent PC, or for kids who don't know enough to operate one.[/citation]
That actually seems quite ignorant.
First off, it's not the question if you can afford it. Most people could round up $2000 if they had to. There's just better things to spend your money on, so a $200-300 console is perfect.
Console gaming is just easier in most instances (less prone to crashing, not having to worry about DRM [som DRM is unfriendly to those who have 2 DVD drives, constantly online required etc.], no .ini/registry hacks for proper widescreen support etc.).
There are exclusives for consoles worth buying.
Graphics aren't everything. Last I checked, FFVII was pretty fun, and it looks like crap. Sure, Crysis is beautiful, but there certainly are funner games. Even if you have to run 480p (I was playing Diablo 2 recently).
All coming from a guy with a $2000 5770/i7/triple monitor etc. rig.
[citation][nom]DFGum[/nom]Yes, farmville is the pinnacle of all games and is amazing... /rollseyes.[/citation]
I hate Zynga.
"First off, it's not the question if you can afford it. Most people could round up $2000 if they had to. There's just better things to spend your money on, so a $200-300 console is perfect."

well ... if one considers that this 2000 dollar pc will come with screen ... speakers ... all cables and connections needed ... all interface things needed ... or needing yearly subscriptions to get stuff you can get for free off things like steam .... all things that a 300 dollar console wont come with ... plus lets not forget that 30% mark up on games jsut because it is a console game .... i figure with all that and maybe about 20 games that console will come to about 2000 dollars ... only difference is it wont be able to do anything other than games .... where as with a 2000 dollar pc the sky is the limit ... and games will look and run quite alot better than on a 5 year old console ....

"Console gaming is just easier in most instances (less prone to crashing, not having to worry about DRM"

with red ring of death .... 360`s has a 52% mortality rate ... nuff said

DRM is put on to stop the second hand game market ... it is nothing to do with some imaginary war on pirates because many years ago THE PIRATES WON !

"There are exclusives for consoles worth buying."

there are exclusives games on consoles to sell more consoles .... this is not a positive thing it is a marketing desision ....

i am not trying to diss on you .... i just wanted to comment because your post summed up jsut about all the disinformation out there in one spot .... just about the only one you left out was that the pc platform is dead .... something that was said when sega 64 came out .... then was siad when the ps1 came out ... then was siad with the ps2 ... and now siad with the 360 ....

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