yeah..I take that back, you really don't want to get into water cooling, it's a time eating practice and it took me about 2 weeks while working on the weekdays to get my second watercooling setup done, even with experience if you have to work during the week it's quite time consuming to do, and potentially dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. Some steps to take before water cooling is to STUDY, you have to know your way around the parts and know what you are buying. It's not like walking into best buy and grabbing a PC, it is more of a obsession of performance honestly.
Some things that helped me a few years ago with my AMD water cooling fiasco were first of all, google, and then friends and local store knowledge. It's good to know what you are diving (hehe) into when watercooling, it's also quite expensive, a CPU only rig could run to 150-200 dollars easily, throw a graphics card in and it could reach 250-300, an SLI rig will run you 400+ depending on parts, as some graphics cards are cheaper to cool then others.
Please, stick with air cooling(or closed loop water) for your first build it is going to be a decision you wont regret in my opinion.