Locking Folders To Other Users [Windows 10]


Sep 21, 2014
Hello again Tom's!
Hope everyone is well 🙂

I store all my Documents and Media on a Secondary HDD on my Home PC and am looking for a way to lock my Family members out of said folder (it contains nothing untoward I assure you)

Now, if this folder was on my Windows SSD I know to go to Properties > Security and then Deny "Full Control" to each user. However, for whatever reason, the other users of the PC do not show up in the Security Tab.

If anyone could assist I would be very grateful!
Thanks for your input thus far.
I'll look into Encryption, I mean it isn't really that big a deal. I was more curious as to why the other Users aren't being displayed in the Security Tab? Could it be because they are Local Accounts as opposed to Microsoft Accounts?

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