Logitech C170 with mic - webcam works but microphone doesn't

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Jan 10, 2018
I bought a C170 Logitech webcam with a built-in microphone less than 2 years ago (warranty says it's good for 2 years). I have been using it for my live streams on Twitch ever since. And today I tried to record a small video but my OBS shows there's literally no audio spikes from my voice. I made sure that the audio device was chosen correctly and it was enabled on OBS and my computer (which is an Acer Aspire X with Windows 10). But it still doesn't seem to work correctly. I've even tried testing on my computer's audio settings and my computer's audio settings also shows there's literally no sound. I even tried to max the computer's audio volume to 100% and it's still not working.

As I'm typing all of this, I have my OBS open right now. The audio signal bars are all flat (meaning no sounds found at all) except the 2 microphone bars... which is odd since I'm not even talking and there's no other sounds at the moment. I tried to test with clapping and coughing and it only seems to find my voices/sounds when i'm literally right next to the webcam/microphone. I actually have to YELL at the dang thing just to have any audio signal.

Here's proof of what the audio signal bars are doing. NOTE: the sudden spike in Mic/Aux and Mic/Aux2 is from me making a single clap in front of the webcam/microphone. Not sure why Mic/Aux2 spiked a 2nd time
click here for the GIF of what happens

OS: Windows 10
BITS: 64-bit
COMPUTER TYPE/BRAND: Acer Aspire X (the type that's apparently never meant to have the hardware upgraded/replaced)
WEBCAM: Logitech C170 with built-in microphone
SPEAKERS: Logitech S120 (also have old Acer brand speakers as backup)
HEADSET: Afterglow Prismatic (universal headset)

NOTE: When typing all of this, there's no headset hooked up to the computer. So there's no way it could be affecting my webcam's built-in mic


Jan 10, 2018

I have already tried unplugging and plugging it back in. I have also tried unplugging it, rebooting, then plug it back in. Neither option seems to be working. The device itself works but the computer can't seem to pick up any audio from it unless I either cough, or clap directly into the mic.


Did you tired different USB ports?

Also, did you make any software changes before the mic stopped working? Including Win updates?

Oh, my C170 has been in use since 2010 and it still works just fine.
There's also a dedicated software for C170 that you can try, to see if you get yours working again,
link: http://support.logitech.com/en_us/product/webcam-c170/downloads#


Jan 10, 2018

Windows automatically updates. I don't deal with that stuff. I don't want to accidentally mess something up with that stuff. Knowing my luck, I would have messed up too much and probably fried some stuff. lol

I have tried all 4 basic USB ports as well as the 2.0/3.0 USB port (forgot which one it is... a blue version of the basic ones). Neither of them seem to work.

I have tried the C170 software but it didn't seem to help at all. Even some test recordings showed there was literally NO audio recorded.

Could it maybe be my Realtek HD? Or is that only for audio output devices? Cause for me, that's all that Realtek lists... audio output devices


On default, Win 10 does make automatic updates but you can postpone those if needed. Though, the thing with Win 10 is that it's updates are notorious in messing up users PCs. That's why i'm sticking with Win 7 for time being.

As far as C170 goes, try selecting it as one of the input sources via sound control panel. Here's small tutorial on how to do it,
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVH9fSZNGkQ

While that tutorial above is nice, switching between devices is very annoying since you need to go to the control panel each time. To get rid of that, i'm using a small utility called Soundswitch,
specs: https://github.com/Belphemur/SoundSwitch/tree/v3.15.1
download page: https://www.aaflalo.me/downloads/

With Soundswitch, i can use the default hotkey of Crtl + Alt + F11 to switch very easily between my headset and speakers. Though, that hotkey can also be changed. Soundswitch also works on recording devices too if you have more than one (i have three). Default hotkey switching between recording devices is Crtl + Alt + F7.
Just don't forget to mark the needed devices within Soundswitch settings if you want to switch between them with hotkey.

Here's pic of my Soundswitch settings with Recording tab open:

Most of them are self explanatory while Stereo Mix is selected for recording system audio.

If Soundswitch also fails, i have 1 more idea what to try to get your mic working.


Jan 10, 2018

I only have 5 options and 3 of them are unavailable since nothing's in those slots/ports. So for me its only "Stereo Mix" and "Logitech C17 webcam - mic" (i renamed it to make it easier to figure out which Logitech it is and which part of the device it is). I temporarily disabled "Stereo mix" and have the C170 as my default (never used another unless my Afterglow Prismatic headset's hooked up, which it's not currently). So setting the C170's mic as default is already done.

As for hotkeys, I don't use hotkeys unless it's for voice calls (i.e.: Discord's voice chat feature) which is just the ~ key. And I normally only use that for the "push to talk" features to avoid interrupting other people or having the other people hear background noises by accident. All of the other keys I use pretty often. So it would be hard to even figure out which keyboard key/keys to use for more hotkey commands. In cases like this, I prefer to stick with the longer method... just go to the settings/programs and change it from there instead of using hotkeys and/or commands.

As for Soundswitch, I don't think I've ever heard of it. But then again, I probably wouldn't use it since I kinda do't use hotkeys. And from the looks of it, that's pretty much the only difference from Soundswitch and Win10's basic audio settings.

Also, now that I recall, there was 1 thing that was a bit different. I have Avast as my antivirus and it comes with an additional "cleanup" program. Apparently some programs/devices needed to be fixed. When I had Avast Cleanup fix them, it showed that everything was fixed. The only reason I've been using Avast Cleanup is because my computer had been lagging quite a bit lately. And it seemed to fix the lag issues I was having last time. And it seemed to fix the lag issues again the previous time as well. But the first time, I had no audio issues... or any issues really. So I'm not sure if something messed up the 2nd time or if it even has anything to do with the current issue.


My last idea was for you to try out the same software i use with my C170, and that's iSpy 64-bit,
link: https://www.ispyconnect.com/default.aspx

It's a great program for security purposes. Though, setting up a camera with it is a bit tricky since once you have visual feed set up and running, you need to set up audio feed as well.

Testing with another software can help to see if the issue is with C170 itself or with the software you use it with.

Of course, if you have 2nd PC, you can try C170 there as well and look if it works with 2nd PC or not.


Jan 10, 2018

It's not the C170 that's the problem. Otherwise there wouldn't be literally ANY audio input registering at all. Yet, when I have the C170 right up to my mouth, it registers my voice unusually quiet. And when I clap next to the C170 or cough right into the C170, it registers there's audio. But when it comes to any other audio, no audio input is registering. If it were the C170, there wouldn't be ANY audio input AT ALL. So it's something on the computer causing the audio to be unusually quiet... not the C170 itself. And I can't figure out what. I know for a fact it's not the C170 or the computer's audio settings since the audio settings for the C170 is at max volume.

So far everything you've been showing me only helps for the C170 itself... not computer-based audio issues. Doesn't help fix the audio on the computer in any way... especially when there's nothing wrong with the device. Just whatever's on the computer (which I'm unclear of what it could be).

Not sure if any of this makes much sense. And I'm not saying you're doing anything wrong. I appreciate the help. It's just the wrong kind of help


Well, you did make your topic in the Hardware - Components subforum. So, expect to get hardware based help. If you were to create your topic into e.g Software - Windows 10 subforum then help would also be software based.

I don't do well with software issues, especially Win 10 related ones since i don't use Win 10. But since i also have C170, i decided to jump in and help you out on a hardware level.

I'll look if i can get someone else to jump in who is more software savvy than i am.
You absolutely can not say with certainty that it isn't the C170 unless you have tested it on another system and it worked perfectly (This is basic troubleshooting 101). Have you done so?

Conversely, you cannot say with certainty that it is the software/PC unless you test with another camera/mike (one already known to be working). Have you done this?
Jul 30, 2018
I have exactly the same use-case, same C170 ... a machine is pretty powerful WIN10 x64 .... same issue: Mic stopped working all of a sudden ... exactly the same symptoms ...

Yes, installed this Logitech "suite" too .. to no avail ...

ps: WIN10 Audio Trouble shutter says the mic is not connected? Video works brilliantly as ever .. Both Camera and Mic, are recognized nicely by (for example) Skype ...


My mic on my C170 also died on me few days ago. Then again, my C170 is 8 years old and i didn't expect it to last as long as it did. Though, the camera side of it still works just fine.

I'm planing to get a new webcam as of today and i've my eye set on Logitech C920,
specs: https://www.logitech.com/en-us/product/hd-pro-webcam-c920

Though, my Trust SpotLight Pro Webcam with LED lights,
specs: https://www.trust.com/en/product/16428-spotlight-pro-webcam-with-led-lights
works with my Skylake build without issues and i have that in use for time being.
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