Sorry I'm still borderline bankrupt (which I have a tendency to use as my reasoning behind trying to leverage every dollar I got and jump on the consumer advocates bandwagon).... but...
I wouldn't be too sure that the pricing is reasonable considering the good deal and price mark made by the z560's. They were close to, at intro time, around 200$ Canadian, and now rest at $240 or so. Judging by the price conversion the 680's'll end up about $400 (Can.). This 5.1 offering, (which they should have made when they entered the market)considering the advent of 6.1 DD & DTS (and some 7.1 cards) and possibly THX Ultra 2 seems really half axed or a way, way too slow.
I was wondering also about the technology of the speaker design itself, has this improved? Are there specs concerning the current technology, I mean specs that I can objectively compare? Are there treble adjustments, an easy to access fuse, crossover adjustments, DTS-ES decoding, yadayadayada...
I've politely (hard for me) inquired with Logitech several times over many months specifically about upcoming products, to which I get the most inane and ridiculous responses. Which makes it absolutely obvious they are not allowed to/going to/want to release any details about any future products (speakers). Like pricing the z-560 well below the market wasn't a loud enough shot over the bows of the competition. Gimme a break.
Reaveal yourselves or get toasted. Like I said I'm probably going to end up getting even another set of z560's Unless I can find a demo setup of Megtaworks and Altech 641's.
I think the market is prime right now for dual 10" sub's, satelittes with at least an additional 1" tweeter, and a center speaker adding 4.5" dual perimeter cones and variable inputs on it for combined or 7.1 setup and a bump of about 20 watts.
A neat marketing trick might be; to also allow the setup of of additional satelittes ( or accessories) to the base or any number of schemes that allow tweaking and flexibility. Now I know it is very easy to snipe at an individual's ideas, but if a manufacturer puts out a product with crazy ideas we lap it up, why? Is it the perceived authority or credibility we associate with a maker that suggest they 'know'?
I like the power of PC setup because I use it as my stereo, home theater and for gaming. I probably got real bad ears from all the Zep, Funk and Floyd concerts I went to, but until I get a hearing aid I can not justify a separate audio system with all it's square plastic lights and square plastic price.