Looking for a 0-100 Cpu

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Jul 22, 2017
Hello So i want to upgrade my CPU to something that will go well with my GPU I want to play PUBG
at 60 fps Right now i get 50-45 Sometimes 60 but i want a constant 60 fps i don't want to upgrade my GPU since i just did that i have seen videos on youtube on pubg with my graphics card so i want to upgrade my cpu to something more modern here are my specs

Motherboard: M4A88TDV-V EVO/USB3

Cpu: AMD Phenom II X6 1090t

Power Supply: XION 800w

GPU: EVGA 1050 ti

thank you
Your motherboard doesn't support anything faster nor would fastest AM3+ CPU's be much faster than you current. You should upgrade the CPU, motherbord, and RAM to ryzen. I'm in the same boat but im looking at the Ryzen 5 1600 6 core. At your price tho the 1200 should due as its on par with the newer i5 locked versions. https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/M4A88TDV_EVOUSB3/HelpDesk_CPU/

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 3 1200 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor ($109.88 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: Asus - STRIX B350-F GAMING ATX AM4 Motherboard ($86.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill - Ripjaws V Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2800 Memory ($78.99 @ Newegg)...
Did it not boot? If not test wiith CPU/NB and CPU/NB voltage left at stock. If it works the you need a bit more CPU/NB voltage say 1.25. Overclocking is more trail an error than absolutes. Just stay in reason as your possibly not going to get 4Ghz and may need to give it a bit more voltage.

ok this is what happen when i changed the Cpu/nb and cpu voltage it didnt boot it said OVERCLOCK FAILED PRESS F1 to reset so i did then i did reset to default then i only changed cpu ratio and turbo and cool quit and it worked but when i put the ratio for the cpu and and cpu/nb it was in red and said this 0.500000 for both so yea

how do i put a picture

how do i put a picture

so right now only thing i changed is cpu ratio cool and quit and turbo off

but its from my phone lol since my pc was in bios

heres the picture https://gyazo.com/9393bf2613b9e9f37f4c9ad5cfede7fb

so what should i do?
See if you can set CPU & NB voltage mode to manual instead of offset. Then set CPU to 1.275 and NB to 1.225 but if offset is all you have then try .1 or leave to auto. Also I noticed you have CPU/HT set to 230. Change that to 200 else its multiplying the CPU and NB ratio. IE 230 HT plus 18.5 is 4.255Ghz

ok im trying it now i just type .1 right in the ratio if i cant use Manual

ok these are my settings i wont stress until u respond and say all clear or not


I have discord.


ok but im only 14 turning 15 next month so if that is fine with you

should i stress with the settings i have?

Yeah thats fine, Im the same age. :)


Ritual#9081 is my discord