Looking for a cpu and a motherboard

Feb 19, 2018
I currently have a Nvidia Gtx 1050 ti mini 4GB , and i am looking for a budget motherboard and cpu that can play Playerunkown's Battlegrounds at high settings at 60fps, and other triple a titled games. If needed, i can buy new gpu if needed ( but i really want to spend the money on the motherboard and cpu as i have a budget of around $200 - $250 budget) i can buy the ram that is supported by the motherboard in the following week.
Thanks in advance! And sorry for my bad english as english is not my native language.
With your budget, you cannot afford a faster GPU at the moment.
You'd need a AMD 580 8GB, or a GTX 1060 6GB for FullHD @ ultra details.
So pro-tip: Keep the 1050Ti, and play at lower details. Wait for the end of the mining craze.

Why don't you look for a good gaming CPU here? This is Toms Hardware, this is all about gaming hardware on this site... 😉

