Looking for a high quality laptop


Oct 2, 2016
So basically i am looking for a laptop able to support Rome Total War 2. (Real noob in this area) was playing 1 on a a desktop ages ago but i can't remember what it was. I know building my own would be best but I'm constantly on the move so a laptop would be ideal. All help would be greatly appreciated. Also live in the UK
Do you need a cheap laptop or somethin really worth its price? You want a laptop with a long battery life or you just play on AC power?

I am too searching for a high-end laptop and I saw some really good laptops but this is what I'm getting:


And take a look at this list:


This list shows all GTX 1070 and 1080 pascal laptops if you want something better than the laptop in the link above!

Hope I helped you decide which laptop you want.
Do you need a cheap laptop or somethin really worth its price? You want a laptop with a long battery life or you just play on AC power?

I am too searching for a high-end laptop and I saw some really good laptops but this is what I'm getting:


And take a look at this list:


This list shows all GTX 1070 and 1080 pascal laptops if you want something better than the laptop in the link above!

Hope I helped you decide which laptop you want.

Something like those alright. Ideally I'd like it to last and slowly get into more games but for now would just be the total war series. I know laptops are very expensive for gaming but it would suit me a lot more to be honest. Thanks for that