Usually I don't generally look to outside suggestions for hardware recomendations but today I have an interesting situation. I have an AMD Phenom II 965 I bought as a replacement for a CPU that had died (third RMA that had died in a row). Unfortunatly I had not realized that the steping had changed so the motherboard I was using not longer recognizes the CPU or has a BIOS update that would allow the board to recognize the CPU.
So this brings me to my question; I am looking for an AM3+ motherboard that will run the above AM3 CPU then be able to have a Piledriver (if AMD gets there sutff together) put into when those chips come out latter. Generally an easy question to answer, but from what was posted in the Bulldozer review here (Tom's Hardware) and some other reading my situation sounds like I would have to buy a buldozer CPU anyhow I order to flash the UEIF (preferably) down to run the AM3 CPU.
If the above (having to buy another CPU to flash the UEIF down) is not the case I am looking for an ATX board in the 150-220$ (can go a little(+30$) higher as I intend to use this board for a while) range that has Crossfire (3 card capable prefered) compatiablity using UEIF not BIOS for the firmware. Other amenities (6Gb SATA, USB 3.0) are not nesscesarry but are a plus. Finally no integrated video, I know most boards in the range I said don't have it but still, its not requiered. Thanks all.
So this brings me to my question; I am looking for an AM3+ motherboard that will run the above AM3 CPU then be able to have a Piledriver (if AMD gets there sutff together) put into when those chips come out latter. Generally an easy question to answer, but from what was posted in the Bulldozer review here (Tom's Hardware) and some other reading my situation sounds like I would have to buy a buldozer CPU anyhow I order to flash the UEIF (preferably) down to run the AM3 CPU.
If the above (having to buy another CPU to flash the UEIF down) is not the case I am looking for an ATX board in the 150-220$ (can go a little(+30$) higher as I intend to use this board for a while) range that has Crossfire (3 card capable prefered) compatiablity using UEIF not BIOS for the firmware. Other amenities (6Gb SATA, USB 3.0) are not nesscesarry but are a plus. Finally no integrated video, I know most boards in the range I said don't have it but still, its not requiered. Thanks all.