The manufacturing company that I work for is looking for options for their ERP system. Does anyone have any suggestions? or anyone I should just stay away from?
Much more information needed:
What system is being used now? Kinetic 2022
What problem(s) are occurring? Lots of bugs truthfully. Unable to view customers, orders, jobs, quotes, etc that are older than 2018 (we upgraded in 2021 and had been using the previous version(s) since 2004-ish). They are still working on the original 147 pages of issues since the upgrade (25-40 bugs per page). We liked the original system but they are removing the "classic" view (which is the workaround we and every other company that have been using prior to 2018 is having).
What are the requirements: specifically what is expected from the "new" ERP system? Finance, sales, purchasing, manufacturing, production, inventory
What products, if any, have been considered? Were any of those products rejected and why? JobBoss, Sage, Odoo, IFS and Visual. JobBoss is the only one that has been rejected. Mainly due to their continued issues with scheduling jobs. That is a must have.
Any particular constraints? Ties to to other software and/or systems that cannot be replaced or otherwise must remain in place and working? ETQ (quality management software).
Security requirements? ITAR compliant
What is the budget? We will budget a good product. I know that is a non-answer but ERP systems are very expensive and we have room to wiggle
Provide much more detail and include any specific, quantifiable, measurements to be used in evaluating potential candidate products.
Truthfully, I have enjoyed the candid responses I have been getting to this question. The amount of user answers has been very helpful. Every ERP company is the best in their opinion but I need to hear from the other IT professionals that have to work in and support these systems. No one ERP is perfect for everyone but would like to hear if there is one that has excellent support, fast responders, easily adaptable or is like ours and has more issues than capabilities. So, if you are an IT professional that works for a manufacturing company, I want to hear about the pros and cons of your ERP system.
There are always trade-offs.