Looking for Best Value Per Dollar Upgrades - AMD Phenom 945


Nov 24, 2012
I am looking to upgrade my system. I noticed that some higher AMD FX Chips cost over $100 and I was wondering if there were better uses for $100 bucks (like an ssd and a cooler and then try oc). I’d spend $200 if it felt like I was getting a combination of things that would really boost performance. I am not a huge gamer. Right now it looks like:

1) Ultra Defender Gaming Mid-Tower Case
2) GIGABYTE GA-78LMT-S2P AMD 760 MOBO – It has an ATI Radeon HD 3000 for graphics
3) Phenom II X4 945 Quad Core Processor - 3.00GHz
4) 4GB DDR3 RAM - PC 10666, 1333MHz Corsair – 2 Sticks for a total of 8GB – I can’t go higher
5) Samsung DVD Burner
6) Ultra OEM 600W Power Supply
7) I have 2 500gb HDD and a 3rd matching one which could be used if there was some need
8) Crappy monitor – it works but it is a few years old

What I was thinking:
1) I just want to boost the overall performance the best I can on a per dollar basis
2) I don’t really want to reload all my applications. I hear with an ssd you can clone the harddrive.
3) I was thinking of getting an SSD 64gb, 120gb, or 128gb. Just copy over the essentials and save everything else to a different HDD and clone it
4) Possibly buying a cooler like a Cooler Master 101i – I’d like to OC – even though my setup is limited

I would like to see how much OC I could do safely, this plus an SSD I am hoping for some noticeable speed gains. I know my setup isn't ideal for a ton of OC.

In the questionnaire there was a question about OEM Operating Systems. I bought Windows 7 64 bit from a 3rd party reseller. It ended up being for dell (when my pc boots it shows dell). Does that mean I can’t use Win 7 for my next pc?

Whatever I buy I’d like to be able to use in the future for a future build. I bought a bigger case and a larger power supply with lifetime warranties for that purpose.

Approximate Purchase Date:
No Hurry – save money where I can. Just planning in case the holiday season will result in good sales

Budget Range:
I’d like to try to keep it under $200. Even under $100

System Usage from Most to Least Important:
Microsoft office, surfing the web, watching videos, editing – Not a major game player, would love to, but would get sucked in!

Are you buying a monitor:
I have been looking for a good monitor. It would not be counted against the budget (I would just raise the budget). I do some editing. Those Dell Ultras look good just waiting for a good sale. Whatever I buy should be good enough for my next build.

Parts to Upgrade: Open to ideas

Do you need to buy OS:
No – I have Windows 7 64 bit
I saw this note:
Please note that if you're using an OEM license of Windows, you will need a new one when buying a new motherboard.
I bought a version from a 3rd party and it was from Dell. Does that mean I am stuck with this motherboard?

Preferred Website(s) for Parts:
Open. I do have free shipping from Shoprunner.

Location: City, State/Region, Country – US.

Parts Preferences:
Just looking for best value.

Overclocking: Yes – I’d like to try and boost it a little – From what I have read my board and chip have some limitations.

SLI or Crossfire: Maybe

Your Monitor Resolution: Anything would be better than what I have now. 1900 by 1200 would be nice from what I have read about editing.

Additional Comments: (e.g.: Need to have a window and lots of bling, I would like a quiet PC. Please also list specific software or games you're using)

And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: I’d like to get the speed up a bit. Sometimes the internet browser will hang, I am not sure why. I use chrome and occasionally IE. Speed.

Any OEM license is tied to the MB it was installed with. There are 'ways' around that, but that is the the way it is.

The quad core Phenom II is still an adequate CPU. If you have the Black Edition version, it is easy to OC simply by increasing the freq multiplier.

Your MB does not have a 2nd PCIe X16 slot, so SLI is out of the question.

Cloning a SSD from you HDD is possible, but not recommended for best results. It is always best to clean install the OS to the SSD following these rules: http://www.overclock.net/t/1156654/seans-windows-7-install-optimization-guide-for-ssds-hdds
There are a few idiosyncrasies that SSDs have that make cloning less than desirable.
However, you may be interested in a less expensive alternative; the Sandisk Ready Cache SSD. It is used as a persistent cache to your existing HDD. No re-installing your OS or programs. Plug it in and run the software. I have one on my 2nd machine. Feels like my old HDD is a SSD.

Thanks for the reply! Had no idea this cache item existed. Much appreciated!


Their software was a little buggy at first. But the latest renditions have been quite solid and unobtrusive. Run the installation pkg and never think about it again. I really like it for a discrete ssd alternative. Here's a trusted review source for a little research:
Good luck.